Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2637: where did the letter go

  Chapter 2637 Where did the letter go?

   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the department store carrying the two sets of clothes she bought and Jin Jing. She checked her watch and it was eleven o'clock.

  So he said to Jin Jing: "Sister Jin Jing, it's time for lunch, I'll treat you to roast duck."

   "Okay, but you don't invite me, I invite you, or I'll go home to lunch."

   "Okay, just invite me if you invite me, so that I can save the money for a meal."

   "Hehe... I can see that you are a miser. You don't know how many meals of roast duck you have, but you are still calculating the price of a meal. I despise you."

   "Hmph, what's wrong with being a miser? I'm just a layman, and I just like money. Doesn't Miss Jin Jing like money?"

   "How is it possible, there is no one in this world who doesn't like money, but I don't like it as much as you do."

   "That's right. Next time, if Sister Jin Jing says I'm a miser, I'll take all the money from Sister Jin Jing."

   "Okay, okay, don't say any more, I'm really afraid of you. I used to think that I have good verbal skills, but when I meet you, I am willing to bow down."

   "Hey... I also think I can talk quite well, let's go, let's eat roast duck."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Jin Jing came to the roast duck restaurant, they saw that the roast duck was just out of the oven, so she said to the boss: "Comrade, I want two roast ducks, please cut them for us."

   "Yo, it's you, you haven't come to my store to buy roast duck for a long time, do you want to pack it this time?"

   "No need, I'll pack it in a few days."

   "Okay, I'll go and give you a piece of duck right now, it'll be ready soon." After finishing speaking, the boss walked towards the kitchen with two roast ducks.

After the boss went to the kitchen, Jin Jing took a sip of the water that Lu Xiaoxiao poured for her, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I wrote you so many letters, why haven't you replied to one of them? "

   "When did you write to me?"

   "At the end of last year, I not only wrote you a letter, but also sent you something."

   "Is the address you sent the letter to the one I gave you?"

   "That's right, it's the address of Tianshui Village."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's face darkened when she heard Jin Jing's words. She still didn't understand what Jin Jing sent her, and the team leader seized all the things Jin Jing sent her.

  If she hadn't met Jin Jing today, the captain would have taken the things Jin Jing sent her.

   Today she really saw the captain clearly. It turns out that the captain is the one who hides the deepest. He is like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity. He might bite you at any moment.

   "Sister Jin Jing, I'm really sorry. It's not that I didn't reply to your letter, but that I moved a few years ago, so I didn't receive any letters or things you sent me."

   "So that's the case. I thought you forgot about me before, otherwise why would you not reply to my letter."

   "Don't worry, sister Jin Jing, you are so kind to me, if I forget anyone, it is impossible for me to forget you."

   "Listen to what you said, if I treat you badly, you will forget me."

   "Of course, how can I remember people who treat me badly."

   "You are really a little white-eyed wolf."


   "The roast duck is here, let's eat the roast duck first, and we'll talk about other things later." Jin Jing saw the boss walking towards them with a slice of roast duck, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao.


  (end of this chapter)

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