Chapter 2644 Greetings

   Zhang Xu walked towards the hall without any hesitation after hearing Du Xingtian's words.

  After he entered the hall, he saw a middle-aged man in a black gown sitting in a wheelchair. Judging from the aura exuded by the middle-aged man, this man was Du Xingtian.

   "I have admired your great name for a long time, and today I can be regarded as meeting the suzerain of the Poison Sect who is elusive." Zhang Xu clasped his fists and said to Du Xingtian.

  After Du Xingtian saw Zhang Xu's gesture of clasping his fists with both hands, the serious expression on his face eased a lot, so he clasped his fists back to Zhang Xu and said, "I've also admired the fourth master for a long time. It's an honor to meet you today."

   "The suzerain is polite."

   "No, no, no, I'm telling the truth. The fourth master's reputation is well-known both in Beijing and on the road. If it wasn't because of my inconvenience, I would have cooperated with the fourth master a long time ago.

  But it's not too late now, I believe this cooperation will be very pleasant. "

   Zhang Xu smiled noncommittally after hearing Du Xingtian's words, and then he asked Du Xingtian: "Sect Master, how do you plan to cooperate with us to take down the Jiuming Sect?"

   "How do you want us to cooperate?"

   "Gray cat, show the plan to the suzerain."

   "Yes." After the gray cat finished speaking, he took out the plan from his backpack and handed it to Du Xingtian.

  After Du Xingtian took the plan handed to him by the gray cat, he began to look through the plan.

After he read all the proposals, his face immediately turned black. He now understands why people on the road say that Fourth Master is a hungry wolf who eats people but does not spit out bones, because he is being held in his mouth by a hungry wolf. where.

   "Fourth Master, is it too much in your plan? If you implement it according to the plan, then our Poison Sect will suffer a lot."

   "The cooperation between the two parties pays attention to fairness. With your hatred for Jiu Mingjiao, it is doomed that the Poison Sect is the one who pays more. If you are unwilling, then the cooperation between us will be cancelled."

   Du Xingtian clenched his fists after hearing Zhang Xu's words. After waiting for so many years, he finally got a chance to take revenge, and he was not reconciled to letting him give up like this.

  But he couldn't take the lives of his brothers for revenge, so he had to think of a perfect plan, which would not hurt the lives of his brothers, but also be able to take revenge.

   "Have you figured it out?" Zhang Xu asked Du Xingtian.

   "Can you give me some time to think about it? After all, this is not a trivial matter. I have to discuss it with my brothers."

   "Okay, I'll give you an hour. If you can't give me an answer after an hour, then the verbal agreement between us will be void."


  After the monkey followed Zhang Xu out of the hall, he asked Zhang Xu, "Boss, do you think Du Xingtian will agree?"


   "Why do I think he won't, should we change the plan?"

   "No, he will agree." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he sat down on the stool that Mu Mu helped him move, closed his eyes and meditated.

   "Mute slave, do you think I should agree to cooperate with them?" Asked the dumb slave standing behind him.

  After hearing Du Xingtian's words, the dumb slave walked up to Du Xingtian, then raised his hand and gestured.

   "You mean to ask me to promise?"


   "I also want to agree, but if I agree, I will be sorry for those brothers who followed me through life and death."

  "People don't necessarily die, as long as there are things to save their lives."

  (end of this chapter)

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