Chapter 2649 There are so many people

   "What a god, don't say these two words again in the future, if someone listens to it, it will bring you a lot of trouble."

  Lu Xiaoxiao froze for a moment when she heard what Zhang Xu said, and when she realized it, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   "What are you laughing at?" Seeing the little girl laughing after he finished speaking, Zhang Xu frowned and asked the little girl.

   "I didn't laugh at anything, I will definitely not say those two words again in the future, don't worry."

   Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words and knew that the little girl hadn't told him the truth, but he didn't plan to go any further, as long as the little girl didn't say those two words in front of others.

  After more than two hours, the car stopped at the foot of the mountain. When Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car, she saw groups of people walking up the mountain. She understood what Zhang Xu said before, but they didn't bring many people with them.

   "Let's go, let's go up the mountain." After getting off the car, Zhang Xu walked to the little girl and said to the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then she and Zhang Xu walked towards the mountain together.

After more than forty minutes, they came to the square where Jiumingjiao was entertaining people. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the square full of people and asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, so many people gathered in Jiumingjiao, won't it cause any trouble from the higher-ups?" Pay attention?"

   "Yes, but the higher-ups don't care about it, and they can't control it. As long as the Jiuming Sect doesn't enter the world, they will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, as if they don't know anything."

   "It seems that the people above are also having a hard time. Being restrained by all parties, it is estimated that none of them can sleep soundly."

   Zhang Xu took a deep look at the little girl after hearing what the little girl said. He didn't expect the little girl to see things so thoroughly, seeing through things that many people can't see through in their entire lives.

   "Boss, Master Xiao, Du Xingtian brought people here, and he brought as many people as us." Monkey came to Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao and said.

  After hearing what the monkey said, Lu Xiaoxiao looked around and saw Du Xingtian in the southeast, so she whispered to Zhang Xu: "He is in the southeast, do we need to go over and say hello to him?"

   "No need, so as not to startle the snake."

   "I'm fine, I'm young, no one will notice."

   "Then be careful."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked towards Duxingtian.

  When she came to Du Xingtian, she whispered to Du Xingtian, "Are you ready?"

"Already prepared."

   "No matter what you hear or see for a while, you must control your emotions. I don't want to ruin this plan because of your personal reasons."

   "Don't worry, I have endured it for so many years, and I won't ruin our plan because of a little thing."

   "That's good, I'll go back first, don't let people know that you know Zhang Xu, so as not to startle the snake."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao returned to Zhang Xu, she said to Zhang Xu: "I beat Du Xingtian just now, he will not act without authorization, and cooperate with our actions."


   "What are we going to do next?"


   "Waiting for what?"


   "Well, it's boring enough."

   "There will be a good show to watch in a while, you won't be bored."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then asked Zhang Xu: "What a good show."

   "You'll know right away, the opera singer is here." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he signaled the little girl to look at the high platform behind him with his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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