Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2683: I can't afford it, shame on me

  Chapter 2683 Can't afford it, shame

  When he came to the counter, he put the money and foreign exchange certificates on the counter, and said to the salesperson, "Please help me wrap my clothes."

   "Sorry comrade, you don't have enough money to buy clothes."

   "Why is it not enough? Didn't she buy four clothes for four hundred yuan just now? Why can't I buy enough?"

"The comrade just bought four clothes for four hundred yuan, but two of the four clothes are short-sleeved, and the two short-sleeved clothes cost eighty yuan each, so you still need to make up for it." It takes twenty yuan to buy this dress."

  Wang Dayong blushed immediately after hearing the salesman's words. Now that he doesn't have a dime all over his body, how could he take out 20 yuan.

  So he said to the salesperson: "Please wait a moment."


Because Xie Chunmei was a little far away from the counter, she didn't know what happened at the counter. When Wang Dayong walked towards her empty-handed, she frowned and asked Wang Dayong, "Brother Dayong, didn't you go shopping for clothes? Why didn't you buy any clothes?" just came back?"

   "Don't ask so many questions, just give me twenty yuan, and I'll explain to you later?"

   "Twenty yuan? Where did I get the twenty yuan? The twenty yuan I gave you just now is all the money I have."

   "Why do you bring so much money when you go out?"

   "What is such a small amount of money? Twenty yuan is almost my monthly salary. Besides, I went shopping with you, why do I have to bring so much money?"

   "Now is not the time to talk about these things. That dress costs 120 yuan a piece. Quickly find a way to get 20 yuan, or we will be ashamed today."

   "Didn't that dress cost one hundred yuan a piece? Why did it become one hundred and twenty-one pieces again? Could it be that salesperson cheated on you?"

   "She didn't cheat me. Two of the four clothes that woman bought were short-sleeved, and the price of short-sleeved was 80 yuan a piece."

Xie Chunmei became extremely irritable when she heard Wang Dayong's words. She didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of that bitch, so she walked quickly to the counter and put the money and foreign exchange certificates into her pocket, then pulled Wang Dayong Run away in despair.

Seeing that Wang Dayong and Xie Chunmei had run away, the salesperson became anxious immediately, so she shouted to Wang Dayong and Xie Chunmei: "Comrade, why do you run away halfway through buying clothes? If you don't have enough money, you can send someone home to pick it up first." , don't just run away like this."

  Wang Dayong and Xie Chunmei were extremely ashamed and angry when they heard the salesman's words. Coupled with the sight of looking around, they wished that there was a hole in the ground that they could get into, so that they would not have to be ridiculed by everyone.

  It's a pity that they will be disappointed in the end. There can't be holes in the ground of the Friendship Store, so they can only walk out of the Friendship Store in embarrassment. They will dare not come to the Friendship Store for a long time.

  When the salesperson saw that Wang Dayong and Xie Chunmei had really left and would not come back to buy clothes, she felt very uncomfortable because her ten yuan was gone.

  But when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao, she became excited again, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade, those two people don't buy this dress anymore, do you still need it?"

   "No, seeing this dress will remind me of those two people just now. I don't want to buy a dress and go back to scare myself."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, the salesperson felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was quite reasonable. If it was her, she would not have bought this dress.

  (end of this chapter)

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