Chapter 2687 Baozi

   Zhang Xu nodded in agreement after hearing what the little girl said. When he bought clothes, he also bought according to the little girl's standards. As for the price, he never paid attention to it.

  In his perception, if the clothes are uncomfortable to wear, even if the price is cheap, he will not buy them.

Seeing that Zhang Xu agrees with her point of view, Lu Xiaoxiao feels very appropriate in her heart. If Zhang Xu dislikes the expensive clothes she bought, she can guarantee that even if she wants to see Zhang Xu's eight-pack abs again, she will never again. Buy clothes for Zhang Xu.

   Fortunately, Zhang Xu did not disappoint her. She could buy clothes for Zhang Xu and admire Zhang Xu's eight-pack abs all at once, which is really great.

   "It's getting late now, take your clothes and go back, remember to wash them before you wear them." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu.

   "Okay, I'm going back to the dormitory, and you should go to bed earlier." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took his clothes and left the little girl's dormitory.

  After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao closed the door of the dormitory, and then went into the space to wash the basin.

  After washing the basin, she prepared some ingredients for tomorrow, and went to take a bath and go to bed.

  The next morning Lu Xiaoxiao got up at six o'clock. She said yesterday that she was going to help Ke Baiwei make buns today, so she was naturally embarrassed to sleep in.

  After washing up, she came to the dining room and saw that Ke Baiwei was already rolling out the dumpling wrappers. She couldn't envy her smooth movements.

   "Yo, why are you here so early today, don't sleep for a while." Ke Baiwei raised his head and asked Lu Xiaoxiao after rolling out some dough in his hand.

   "I said yesterday that I would come to help Uncle Ke make buns. Naturally, I can't sleep late, otherwise I will become a person who does not keep my word."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ke Baiwei felt very comfortable in his heart. Although he didn't need Lu Xiaoxiao's help to make buns, Lu Xiaoxiao's heart was invaluable.

  It's a pity that Lu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to learn cooking from him, otherwise, if Lu Xiaoxiao worships him as a teacher, he can wake up laughing from his dreams.

   After sighing in his heart, Ke Baiwei said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Go to the kitchen and wash your hands, and then come over to make buns."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Ke Baiwei's words, and then she walked towards the kitchen.

  After washing her hands, she saw that there was an extra spoon in the meat filling basin, and she knew that the spoon was prepared for her by Kobaiwei, so she picked up a rolled-out bun skin and began to wrap the buns.

   After a while, a beautiful steamed bun was born in her hands. She looked at the bun in her hand as if it was made by a machine and nodded with satisfaction, and then put the bun in the steamer.

  Ke Baiwei took a look into the steamer after Lu Xiaoxiao put the buns in the steamer, and saw that the buns made by Lu Xiaoxiao were so beautiful, his eyes flashed with surprise.

  Although the buns made by Lu Xiaoxiao are not the most beautiful, they are rare. At this time, women in every household can make buns, but there are not many good people who want to make buns.

People like Lu Xiaoxiao are even rarer. It seems that Lu Xiaoxiao is naturally suitable for white cases. Unfortunately, Lu Xiaoxiao is not here, and he can't force Lu Xiaoxiao to do white cases, so I can only regret in my heart.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Ke Baiwei made so many brains because of a bun she made, and the reason why her buns were so good was not because she was suitable for white cases.

   It was because of a chance that she saw the automatic steamed stuffed bun machine. She felt that it was very magical, so she stared at it for a long time.

Her memory is already very strong, so she can remember all the steps of the automatic steamed bun machine. In addition, she has a strong learning ability. That's why it looks so good.

  (end of this chapter)

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