Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2691: dinner before parting

  Chapter 2691 Dinner before parting

  When Zhang Xu brought the little girl to the dining room, she saw that the four monkeys were helping Ke Baiwei in the kitchen, so she said to the little girl, "Let's go to the well outside to wash our hands."

   "Why don't you go to the kitchen to wash?"

   "Too crowded."

   "Oh, then let's go to the well and wash our hands." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the dining room.

  When she finished washing and took it back to the dining room, she saw the monkeys serving food from the kitchen, so she asked the monkeys, "Do you need me to help serve the food?"

   "No, you can just sit down, and you can eat soon."


   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at a large table full of dishes, and she knew that these dishes were specially prepared for her by Ke Baiwei, because more than half of the dishes on the table were her favorites.

   "Uncle Ke, thank you." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Ke Bai.

   "There's nothing to thank, eat it while it's hot, or you'll be overwhelmed by those brats."


  After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that all the food on the table had been swept away, leaving only half a bottle of white wine.

So she picked up the remaining half bottle of white wine and poured a sip into each person's cup, then raised her own cup and said to them, "Thank you for practicing it for me today, because I am too young to drink alcohol." , so I offer you a toast with tea instead of wine."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, everyone sitting at the table raised their cups to touch Lu Xiaoxiao's cup, and then drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

   Zhang Xu looked at his watch after drinking, and seeing that it was getting late, he said to Ke Bai, "I'll take Xiaoxiao back to rest first."

   "What time do you leave tomorrow morning?"

   "Five o'clock."

   "Then remember to wait for me, I have something for Xiaoxiao to take away."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, she touched her stuffed stomach and said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, I'm too stuffed, I want to take a walk in the square, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight."

   "I didn't tell you to eat less just now, but you didn't listen to the advice anyway, so you know it's uncomfortable now."

   "I couldn't think normally because of the food I ate, so naturally I didn't listen to what you said, but it can't be all my fault. Whoever made me lose some of my sanity when I encountered delicious food."

   Zhang Xu was angry and funny when he heard the little girl's words. He thought for a long time and didn't know how to make the little girl have a better memory.

  So he sighed helplessly, and said to the little girl: "Didn't you say you wanted to go out for a walk, why are you still sitting on the stool."

   "Are you going for a walk with me?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "Otherwise, do you want to go for a walk alone?"

   "How is it possible, let's go quickly, or it will be too late." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she pulled Zhang Xu and walked towards the outside of the dormitory.

  When they came to the square, Lu Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked towards the sky, and saw the sky full of stars. This was the first time she saw so many stars.

  Due to environmental problems in her previous life, she could rarely see stars in the sky, let alone a sky full of stars, so she was very excited at the moment.

  Compared to Lu Xiaoxiao's excitement, Zhang Xu seemed particularly calm at the moment, because he had long been tired of looking at the night sky when he was carrying out the task, so he didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation in his heart at this moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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