Chapter 2694 left

After Zhang Xu put the elixir into the universe bag, Lu Xiaoxiao took out another bag of elixir from the space and handed it to Zhang Xu, then said to Zhang Xu: "This bag is a healing elixir, tell me when you run out. "


"By the way, I originally planned to go to the training camp to train with Chen Guang for a period of time. Later, due to various reasons, I couldn't go to the training camp to train with Chen Guang. You can explain it to Chen Guang and me by the way. Give this bottle of pill to Chen Guang." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a bottle of pill from the space and handed it to Zhang Xu.

  After Zhang Xu took the elixir handed to him by the little girl, he knew what it was when he opened it and smelled it, so he said to the little girl with a bit of taste: "You are so kind to Chen Guang."

"That's necessary. Chen Guang took good care of me when he was in Harbin. Although I know that Chen Guang took care of me because of your favor, I can still feel whether Chen Guang took care of me sincerely. .

  So when I have the opportunity to take care of Chen Guang, I will naturally reciprocate. "

  When Zhang Xu heard the little girl's sourness, he disappeared in an instant. After he put the pill into the Qiankun bag, he said to the little girl, "It's almost time, let's go to the square."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the square, she saw that Ke Baiwei and the monkey were already in the square, so she walked up to Ke Baiwei and asked him, "Uncle Ke, when did you come?"

   "It's just more than ten minutes earlier than you. Here are the buns I prepared for you. You can eat two to fill your stomach." Ke Baiwei handed the oiled paper bag in his hand to Lu Xiaoxiao after speaking.

  After hearing Ke Baiwei's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the plane delivering the supplies hadn't arrived yet, so she took the oiled paper bag that Ke Baiwei handed her, and then took out a bun from the oiled paper bag and ate it.

   While eating the buns, she didn't forget about Zhang Xu and Houzi, and directly handed the oiled paper bag to them for them to eat the buns.

  It's a pity that they all refused, so she had to eat the buns in silence.

After she finished eating two steamed buns, she saw a plane carrying supplies flying towards the square, so she quickly wrapped the oiled paper bag, and then said to Ke Bai: "Uncle Ke, didn't you ask me to help you bring it? Something? Give me something quickly."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ke Baiwei took out two letters from his pocket and handed them to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Please help me to give the letter to those two old guys, tell me to wait in Beijing They, let them take good care of themselves.

   Also, I prepared a pack of food for them, all of which are durable, please help me bring them to them. "

   "No problem, I'll put everything in their hands."


   "You're welcome, Uncle Ke will cook more delicious food for me in the future."


  After Li Fang parked the plane on the square, he saw Zhang Xu standing beside Lu Xiaoxiao, so he immediately got off the plane and saluted Zhang Xu.

   After Zhang Xu returned a salute to Li Fang, he said to Li Fang, "Please take care of Xiaoxiao on the way."

   "Please rest assured, Fourth Master, I will definitely take good care of Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Get on the plane, don't waste time."


   After Zhang Xu helped her put her luggage on the plane, Lu Xiaoxiao hugged Zhang Xu reluctantly, and then got on the plane quickly.

   After Li Fangang Lu Xiaoxiao got on the plane, he helped Lu Xiaoxiao close the door of the plane, and drove the plane out of the square.

  (end of this chapter)

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