Chapter 2697 Gamble

   "Ah Hua, how did the school settle this matter in the end?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Aihua.

"How else can it be solved? They directly told the teachers and students in the whole school that if you didn't take the next midterm exam, you would be expelled from school. This is because my grandfather left the relationship and let them let you go, otherwise you It is estimated that he will be expelled from the school for the first time."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's heart warmed after hearing Zhang Aihua's words. She never thought that Zhang Aihua's family would do this for her. If she were Zhang Aihua, she would definitely not do this.

   "Ah Hua, thank you for everything you have done for me." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Aihua.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly became so emotional, Zhang Aihua felt a little uncomfortable, so she waved her big hand and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you don't have to be so polite, you are my grandfather's lifesaver, what we did for you It's nothing."

   "Ah Hua is right, what we have done is really nothing compared to saving lives." When Zhang Weiguo walked into the main room, he happened to hear what Zhang Aihua said, so he echoed.

   "Grandpa Zhang."

   "You're welcome, just sit and talk."

   "Xiaoxiao, grandpa is right, you just treat this as your own home, don't be so polite."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she sat back on the kang again.

  After Zhang Weiguo took a sip of the water Zhang Aihua handed him, he asked Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, have you told Xiaoxiao everything about school?"


   "Did you even talk about the bet?"

   "Ah... I forgot about this."

   "What bet?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing the conversation between Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Aihua.

   "Speaking of the bet, it's all my fault. I don't have enough ability to protect you, so I made a bet with the school for you under the pressure of the school."

   "Grandpa Zhang, you have already helped me a lot. You don't have to blame yourself. I believe that no matter how difficult the school makes for me, I can't escape my studies, so I am confident that I can win this bet."

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's confident look, Zhang Weiguo finally let go of his hanging heart, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, the bet I made for you with the school is your midterm exam." You must enter the top three in the grade, or you will drop out of school."

   "No problem, I'm sure I can get into the top three in my grade, maybe I can get into the first place in my grade, and then I'll give those people a good slap in the face."

   "Okay, with ambition, I'll wait for the day when you slap them in the face."

   "I'm also looking forward to the day when you slap them in the face."

   "Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long."

  After Chen Zhenzhen finished frying the meat dishes, she called out to Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, come to the kitchen and serve the dishes."

   "Okay, I'll be right there."

   "I'll go serve the dishes with you, too."

   "No, I can handle just a few dishes by myself. You'd better sit on the kang and chat with my grandpa."

   "Ah Hua is right, there are not many dishes in total, she can just serve it by herself, and you can chat with me, an old man."


  When Zhang Aihua came to the kitchen, she happened to see Chen Zhenzhen bring the hot roast duck out of the pot. Seeing the golden roast duck, she couldn't resist leaning forward to smell it. It was so delicious.

   "You greedy cat, don't you know that the dishes just started are very hot? If I accidentally shook my hand just now, it would burn your face, and you will be disfigured and you won't be able to marry."

  (end of this chapter)

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