Chapter 2721 Selling gold bars

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao explained the content of the exam on the three sheets of paper to Liu Erdan and the other three, and then she asked Liu Erdan and the other three, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

   "No, your explanation is very detailed, and we all took notes. If there is something we don't understand, we can read the notes. Besides, we only learn these things to prepare for the recruitment exam. There is no need to learn so well."

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it after hearing what Liu Erdan said. If the content of the exam was about steelmaking, then Liu Erdan and the others would still be useful.

  But the content of this exam has nothing to do with steelmaking, so Liu Erdan and the others really don’t need to study so well, as long as they can cope with this exam.

"Since you have almost learned, then my task is over. When you go back, remember to memorize the content of the exam. This will not only benefit your written test, but also benefit your interview." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Liu Er Egg three people.

  The three of Liu Erdan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then they stuffed the notes into their pockets and got up to say goodbye to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the three of them were going to leave, but she didn't keep them, because she saw that they had something to do, so she sent them away directly.

   After the three of Liu Erdan left Lu Xiaoxiao's house, they looked at each other and walked towards the black market.

  They got seven gold bars when they went hunting with Lu Xiaoxiao last year. Today they want to sell one gold bar because they have a hunch that they will pass the recruitment test this time.

  So they will have a lot of places to spend money in the future, and they want to bring their relatives to the county to live together, so there will be more places to use money, so they want to sell a gold bar.

  After the three of Liu Erdan entered the black market, they went directly to the person in charge of the black market, Guanshi Xie, because they knew that Lu Xiaoxiao knew Guanshi Xie, so it was safer for them to sell the gold bars to Guanshi Xie.

   "Is there anything you want from me?" Steward Xie asked as he looked at the three people standing in front of him.

  After hearing Guanshi Xie's words, Liu Erdan straight to the point and said to Guanshi Xie: "Guan Xie, we have something we want to sell, and I want you to take care of it."

   "Oh, what do you want to do?"

   "This is not a place to talk, can we continue talking in a place where no one is around?"

   "Okay, you guys come with me." After finishing speaking, Manager Xie turned around and walked towards the backyard.

   After the three of Liu Erdan followed Guanshi Xie to a room, they took out a gold bar and handed it to Guanshi Xie, "Guanshi Xie, this is what we want to sell. I wonder if you will accept it?"

   Steward Xie was slightly surprised when he saw the three of Liu Erdan take out a gold bar, but when he thought about the relationship between the three of Liu Erdan and Lu Xiaoxiao, the surprise in his heart disappeared.

   "Show me the gold bars. If your gold bars are of good quality, then I will take them directly." Guanshi Xie said to Liu Erdan and the other three.

  After hearing Guanshi Xie's words, Erdan Liu and the three quickly handed the gold bars in their hands to Guanshi Xie. They will sell the gold bars anyway today.

  Because they are afraid that after today they will no longer have the guts to sell gold bars on the black market. They still remember the person who was caught selling gold bars in the village, and they don't want to follow in the footsteps of that person.

  (end of this chapter)

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