Chapter 2723 Midterm Exam

   Time passed and it was the day of the midterm exam. Lu Xiaoxiao got up early and had breakfast, then walked towards school with her schoolbag on her back.

  After she entered the school, she saw many people whispering to her, and she knew what those people were talking about without thinking about her.

  But she didn't care about what they said at all, because after the midterm exam, she would slap them in the face with strength.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the class, she saw the class teacher Xie Yue sitting in front of the podium, so she said to Xie Yue: "Mr. Xie, I'm here to take the midterm exam."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Xie Yue raised her head and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao, then she said to Lu Xiaoxiao with a tangled expression: "Student Lu Xiaoxiao, I know this bet is unfair to you, but I didn't There is no way to convince the school, so I'm sorry."

   "Mr. Xie, you didn't feel sorry for me. Instead, I would like to thank you, because you still defend me in this situation, so thank you teacher."

   "No thanks, no thanks, I just did what a teacher should do, you go to your seat and sit down, the exam is about to start."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked towards her seat, completely ignoring the strange eyes of the students in the class.

  The exam started ten minutes later. The first subject was Chinese. After Lu Xiaoxiao got the paper, it took five minutes to go through the questions on the paper, and then she picked up the pen to make the paper.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finished the paper. She checked the paper and saw that there were no mistakes or omissions. She raised her hand and said to Xie Yue: "Mr. Xie, I want to hand in the paper."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Xie Yue looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in surprise. She didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would finish the paper in half an hour, but out of concern for Lu Xiaoxiao, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: " Classmate Lu Xiaoxiao, check the paper carefully after you finish it, you can't hand in the test paper in advance."

"Okay, thank you teacher." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she put away the test paper and lay down on the table to sleep. She got up early this morning, so she is very sleepy now. Since she can't hand in the test in advance, then she can go to sleep .

   At 9:30 in the morning, the Chinese test was over. After Lu Xiaoxiao took away the test papers from Xie Yue, she got up and walked towards the toilet.

  After she came back from the bathroom, she saw that the math teacher was already sitting in front of the podium. Since she was not familiar with the math teacher, she didn't say hello to the math teacher and walked directly to her seat.

  As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao took her seat, she heard the bell ringing for class, so she took out a pen and pad from her bag and put them on the table, waiting for the teacher to hand out the math papers.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao handed out the papers, she spent five minutes marking the papers as she did in the Chinese test, and then picked up the pen to make the test paper.

  Since the math paper this time was too simple, it took Lu Xiaoxiao less than 20 minutes to finish the paper.

  After she finished the paper this time, she didn't raise her hand to hand in the paper as before, but directly lay down on the table, not lying down with her this time was not sleeping, but thinking about the plan for the second half of the year.

  After she had planned what she would do in the second half of the year, she heard the bell ring, so she got up to pack the pens and pads, and then walked outside the teacher.

   For the next day and a half, Lu Xiaoxiao spent the exams. After finishing the last subject, she felt relieved, so she walked briskly towards the outside of the school

  (end of this chapter)

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