Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2726: While slapping in the face (2)

  Chapter 2726 Face-slapping in progress (2)

More than ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao stood at the school gate and looked at Zhang Aihua who was reluctant to let go. If she could, she really wanted to pretend that she didn't know Zhang Aihua, because Zhang Aihua at this moment was like a resentful woman who was abandoned by men, and she It's like a scumbag who abandoned Zhang Aihua.

   "Ah Hua, it's already ten past seven, if you don't leave, you will be late." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Aihua.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Aihua remembered that she still had to go to school, so she made a cheering gesture to Lu Xiaoxiao, then quickly turned and ran towards the school.

  Looking at the figure of Zhang Aihua running away, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then she walked towards the classroom under the eyes of everyone looking at her.

  When she entered the classroom, she obviously felt that the atmosphere in the classroom had changed today, because when she entered the class before, many people would look at her and whisper.

   And after she entered the classroom today, no one looked at her, let alone whispered together, so what happened to them today? Did you take the wrong medicine?

  Just when Lu Xiaoxiao was wondering, she saw Xie Yue walking into the classroom with a stack of test papers, and instantly she understood why the atmosphere in the classroom today was different from usual.

  Emotions They became uneasy because of their grades, and they had no time to pay attention to her affairs, so she said how they suddenly changed, and this was the reason.

   "Everyone sit down in their seats, class will start soon." Xie Yue said to all the students in the class after standing still on the podium.

  After hearing Xie Yue's words, Lu Xiaoxiao walked quickly to her seat, then moved down the stool that was buckled on the desk, and sat down on the stool.

After Xie Yue sat down all the students in the class, she slowly opened the stacked test papers, and then said to all the students in the class: "I will start distributing the test papers now, and distribute them according to the grades. Please read the papers below." Come up to the classmate with the name to get the test paper.

  Wang Yangmei, ninety-three points.

  Li Yu, eighty-nine points.

  Meng Xin, 84 points.


  Zhang Bing, twenty-three points. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that all the students in the class had received the test papers, but her test papers had not been handed out, she raised her eyebrows involuntarily, then raised her hand and asked Xie Yue: "Mr. Xie, why is there no test paper for me?"

  All the students in the class looked at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said. They forgot about the bet between Lu Xiaoxiao and the school because they were nervous about their grades.

  At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao's words reminded them of the bet between Lu Xiaoxiao and the school, so they all looked at Xie Yue again.

Seeing that all the students in the gang were staring at her, Xie Yue couldn't help but coughed a few times, and then said: "The reason why classmate Lu Xiaoxiao's test paper was not distributed is because Lu Xiaoxiao's test paper was rejected by others. I borrowed it.

  But I can tell you that classmate Lu Xiaoxiao got 100 points in the test and is the only one in the first grade who got a full score in the test. "

  The whole class was stunned after hearing Xie Yue's words, and couldn't recover from Xie Yue's words for a long time.

  Because they don't believe that a person who didn't come to school can get a full score in the exam, unless that person is a genius, born to read, but Lu Xiaoxiao doesn't look like a person who can read.

  So Lu Xiaoxiao's grades must be watery, but they don't know it.

  (end of this chapter)

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