Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2731: I'm still going to ask

  Chapter 2731 I still ask

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and it was past one o'clock, so she said to Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, it's time for you to go to school."

   "Ah, why did I forget about the class, but fortunately you reminded me, otherwise I might be late today."

   "Go to school, tomorrow is the weekend, you can come and play with me."

"Okay, then I will come to play with you tomorrow, wait a minute, I can't come to play with you tomorrow, I will go dig wild vegetables with my grandma tomorrow, grandma said that the shepherd's purse is very fat at this time, so she wants to take me to dig the shepherd's purse to make dumplings eat."

   "Then you can come to my house to play with me the day after tomorrow. I will be at home these two days."

   "Xiaoxiao, would you like to go dig wild vegetables with me tomorrow? The shepherd's purse in this season is very fat, and you can dig it to wrap all kinds of things to eat."

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, and she decided to go digging shepherd's purse with Zhang Aihua tomorrow, because she also became a bit of a dumpling filled with shepherd's purse.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was willing to dig wild vegetables with her, Zhang Aihua jumped up excitedly from the sofa, and then she thought that she still had to go to class, so she made an appointment with Lu Xiaoxiao to dig wild vegetables tomorrow, and hurried to Run outside.

   "Ah Hua, where did you go at noon?" Chen Zhenzhen asked Zhang Aihua when Zhang Aihua entered the main room.

   "Mom, I'm in a hurry to go to school now, and I'll tell you the rest when I get back from school."

   "No, you have to tell me where you went at noon?"

   "I'm at Xiaoxiao's house at noon, so I won't talk to you, I'm going to class." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she picked up the schoolbag on the kang, and then ran towards the outside of the main room.

Chen Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Aihua leaving in a hurry, and worriedly said to Qian Juhua: "Mother, do you think Ahua is at Xiaoxiao's house at noon? In the past, even if Ahua was more playful, she would not even go back to lunch like today. Eat at home."

   "If you ask Xiaoxiao, you will know, but I think what Ah Hua said is true."

  Chen Zhenzhen thought for a while after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, but she still felt uneasy, so she said to Qian Juhua: "Mother, I'd better go to Xiaoxiao's house, otherwise I won't be able to let go of my heart."

   "Okay, you can go if you want, but remember to bring something with you."

   "I see, I will take two Chinese cabbages to Xiaoxiao's house in a while, I remember Xiaoxiao said that the green vegetables in the county are not easy to buy."

   "Bring some taro over there, I remember Xiaoxiao likes to eat taro."


  After Zhang Aihua left, Lu Xiaoxiao went into the kitchen to make noodles, because she wanted to wrap some beef-filled dumplings and buns in the space, so that Zhang Xu and her could eat them on the way to Yun Province.

  After making the dough, she was about to enter the space to stir the minced meat, but before she could enter the space, she heard a knock on the door, so she had to go to the yard to open the door first.

   "Xiaoxiao, I'll bring you some food." Chen Zhenzhen said to Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao opened the yard door.

After hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately led Chen Zhenzhen into the house, then made a cup of sugar water and handed it to Chen Zhenzhen, saying: "Aunt Chen, thank you so much, there is just a lack of vegetables at home, I was thinking about getting up early tomorrow I bought some, I didn’t expect you to send it to me, it seems that I can sleep in again tomorrow.”

   "Haha... I knew your family was short of vegetables. Not only did I bring you cabbage, but I also brought you taro. Your grandma Qian said you like to eat taro."

  (end of this chapter)

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