Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2740: It's better to gain weight

  Chapter 2740 It's better to gain weight

  After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao entered the space again, because she found it too boring to lie on the bed, so she went into the space to lie on the sofa and watch a movie.

   Zhang Xu went downstairs to wash the dishes. He checked that it was still early, so he planned to buy two chickens on the black market to nourish the little girl's body.

When he massaged the little girl's waist just now, he felt that the little girl was too thin. The thin waist of the little girl was almost as thick as his arm. It's better to make the little girl fatter.

  At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao has no idea that someone is trying to fatten her up. At this moment, she is eating a spicy duck neck while watching a movie, drinking milk tea from time to time, so happy.

  After Zhang Xu came to the black market, he walked around the black market and then walked towards the back hall of the black market.

   Manager Xie had just finished dealing with the matter at hand, and was about to go to patrol the black market, when he saw Zhang Xu walking towards him, he hurriedly went up to meet Zhang Xu.

   "Fourth Master, why are you here?" Manager Xie asked Zhang Xu when he came to Zhang Xu.

   "How is the black market? Is there anything wrong?"

   "No, everything has been peaceful recently."

   "The black market will be managed by you in the future, and everything else will follow the old rules."

   Steward Xie was stunned when he heard Zhang Xu's words. He didn't expect that one day the pie would hit him on the head, which made him unable to react for a while.

  Seeing Guanshi Xie's appearance, Zhang Xu ignored Guanshi Xie, but continued to walk towards the back hall. Chen Guang has been away for the past few months, so he has to make up for what Chen Guang didn't do.

   Fortunately, Manager Xie is a little capable, so I can rest assured that the black market in the county will be handed over to him in the future.

   Manager Xie came back to his senses after Zhang Xu left, and then he smirked on the spot. After he laughed enough, he immediately restrained his emotions and quickly chased Zhang Xu.

   Fortunately, he ran fast enough to catch up with Zhang Xu in a short while, and then said to Zhang Xu, "Fourth Master, I have sorted out the account books for the past few months. Do you want to check it now or take it back?"

   "Look now, you bring the ledger here."

   "Okay, I'll get it now." After finishing speaking, Manager Xie turned and left to get the ledger.

  After Zhang Xu entered the house that Chen Guang lived in before, he saw that the house had not changed much from when he came last time, and his impression of Guanshi Xie was much better in his heart.

After Guanshi Xie got the account book, he saw Zhang Xu sitting on the stool with his chin propped on his hands, without even a glass of water in front of him. Then he remembered that he forgot to pour water for Zhang Xu, so he handed the account book to Zhang Xu, I went to the kitchen to pour water for Zhang Xu.

  After reading the account books of the past few months, Zhang Xu saw that there was no problem, so he said to Guanshi Xie who was standing aside: "You have done a good job. From now on, your treatment will be the same as that of Chen Guang."

   "Thank you, Fourth Master, I will definitely do a good job and I won't let you down."

   "Go and get two chickens, and some other dishes, I want to take them away."

   "Okay, I'll get it now." After finishing speaking, Manager Xie turned around and walked out of the house.

After a while, he returned to the house with a basket of vegetables on his back, and said to Zhang Xu: "Fourth Master, I not only brought you vegetables, but also brought you some fruits from the south. I remember that Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao liked it very much." To eat fruit, I used to give it to Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao when Brother Guang was around, so I took some on my own."

  (end of this chapter)

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