Chapter 2750 Stupid

  Lu Xiaoxiao was a little speechless when she heard Zhang Xu's words, but she still took out a small bottle of ointment from the space and handed it to Zhang Xu.

After Zhang Xu took the ointment handed to him by the little girl, he opened the lid of the ointment and took a look, and saw that there was only half a bottle of ointment inside, which was very small, so he asked the little girl, "Can you give me some more?" ?”

   "No more, this ointment was temporarily prepared in the morning, so there is only so much, but it is enough for you to use it a few times, and you can get it from me when you run out."


   "I'm hungry, let's go have breakfast, I'm going out after breakfast."

   "What are you going out for?"

"Come on for Liu Erdan and the others. By the way, see if anyone has abused their power to replace Liu Erdan and their places. Last time I accompanied Liu Biao to the transportation team exam, someone wanted to replace Liu Biao's quota. Fortunately, I was in time. Otherwise, Liu Biao might lose his job."

   "Shall I go with you?"

   "What are you going to do?"

   "I have nothing to do at home, so I will go and have a look with you, maybe we can help."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao thought that Zhang Xu's identity and ability might be useful to him, so she nodded in agreement.

  Seeing that the little girl agreed, Zhang Xu twitched his mouth slightly, but soon he returned to his expressionless face, and went to have breakfast with the little girl.

After Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, she checked the time and it was already past seven o'clock, and it was less than half an hour before Liu Erdan and the others started their exams, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, I'm going to ride a bicycle there. But my bicycle belongs to a lady, so I can't take it with you, so can you walk there?"

   "I'll take you by bike."

   "What do you mean? Do you have a bicycle?"

   "Stupid." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he reached out and rubbed the little girl's hair, then turned and walked outside the house.

Seeing Zhang Xu walking out of the house, Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly followed Zhang Xu and walked out of the house, but she did not forget to tidy up Zhang Xu's messy hair, she is the kind of head that can be broken and blood can flow , Girls with messy hairstyles.

  Just as Zhang Xu adjusted the seat of the bicycle, he saw the little girl coming out of the house, so he patted the location of the bicycle and said to Zhang Xu, "Get on the car."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the raised seat. She finally understood why Zhang Xu said she was stupid. forgotten.

   "Aren't you in a hurry? You haven't got in the car yet." Seeing the little girl standing there, Zhang Xu reminded her aloud.

  Lu Xiaoxiao came back from her thoughts after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then she immediately sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

  Seeing that the little girl was seated, Zhang Xu pushed his bicycle and walked out of the courtyard. After he left the courtyard, he took out the key and locked the courtyard door, and then rode the bicycle with the little girl towards the steel factory.

  After more than ten minutes, they came to the gate of the steel factory, and saw a group of people standing in a row at the gate of the steel factory, so they looked at each other and walked towards the tree not far away.

   "You look at the car here, I'll call someone." Zhang Xu parked the car under a tree and said to the little girl.

   "Do you know where they are?"


   "Then be careful, there are too many people over there."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he walked quickly towards the direction where Liu Erdan and the others were.

  (end of this chapter)

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