Chapter 2755 Determine the orientation

   "Let's go, let's go in." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he began to move the branches and stones that blocked the entrance. After a while, he removed all the branches and stones, and then he walked towards the inside.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu walking in, she hurriedly followed her, and after a while she and Zhang Xu entered the small world.

   "What do you want to do first?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl after looking around.

   "Let's find the team first, we are here today to find the team."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took the little girl and walked towards a bamboo forest.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu leading her towards the bamboo forest, she asked Zhang Xu curiously, "Where are you taking me?"

   "Look for an eye."

   "Do you know where the formation eye is?"

   "The specific location is not clear, but the general direction is known."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu with admiration. Only those who have learned the formation know how difficult the formation is, so Zhang Xu can determine the position of the formation eye in such a short time. It proves that Zhang Xu's formation method is very high, which is really admirable and enviable.

   Zhang Xu was relieved physically and mentally by the little girl's admiring eyes, so he quickened his pace and led the little girl towards the direction of the formation.

He thought in his heart that if he could find the formation eye as quickly as possible, then the little girl would definitely look at him with even more admiring eyes, so for that feeling of physical and mental comfort, he must find the formation eye as quickly as possible. Eye.

  Seeing that Zhang Xu quickened his pace, Lu Xiaoxiao thought that Zhang Xu had found the eye of the formation, so she quickened her pace to keep up with Zhang Xu. She wanted to see what the formation that maintains this small world looks like.

   More than half an hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu parked in front of a swamp, she had a bad feeling, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Could the eye be in this swamp, right?"

   "It's in the swamp, but this swamp is strange, don't approach it easily."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately pulled Zhang Xu back, and then she looked at the marsh with vigilance and said, "Zhang Xu, let's go back. It doesn't matter whether we are in the right place or not."

   "Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Zhang Xu rubbed the little girl's head with his hands after speaking.

   "I know, but I don't want you to take risks."

   "I'll try, if it's dangerous, we'll leave right away."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't agree immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's words, because she didn't know what danger was hidden in that swamp.

  But when he saw Zhang Xu's eager eyes, she finally nodded in agreement.

  Seeing that the little girl agreed, Zhang Xu asked the little girl to stand in a safe place, and then approached the swamp.

When he walked to a distance of three meters from the swamp, he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the swamp, and then saw that the stone disappeared immediately when it touched the swamp, and the speed of swallowing things was obviously faster than ordinary The swamp is dozens of times faster. It seems that there is really a problem with this swamp.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu threw a stone into the swamp, and stood there without moving. She thought that something was wrong with Zhang Xu, so she quickly walked towards Zhang Xu.

  When Zhang Xu came to him, he immediately protected the little girl behind him, and then asked the little girl, "Why are you here?"

   "I saw you standing here and thought something happened to you, so I came over to have a look."

  (end of this chapter)

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