Chapter 2757 Weaknesses

Before Lu Xiaoxiao recovered from Zhang Xu's sudden change in character design, she saw Zhang Xu rushing towards that ugly monster, so frightened that she reflexively followed Zhang Xu and rushed towards the monster past.

   When she was about to catch up with Zhang Xu, she realized what she had done, but since she had done everything, it was impossible to push back, so she speeded up to chase Zhang Xu.

   After a while, she caught up with Zhang Xu, and then she showed a flattering smile to Zhang Xu and said, "Brother, let me help you."

   "Don't mess around, go back quickly."

   "It's too late." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out a sword from the space and stabbed at the monster.

  It's a pity that the monster's skin was too hard. Not only did she not hurt the monster, but she also broke the sword. Angrily, she threw the broken sword in the monster's eyes.

  After Zhang Xu saw the little girl's actions, the veins on his forehead twitched involuntarily, and then he quickly took out a special whip from the space, and swung it towards the monster's head.

  However, because the monster's skin was too hard, the whip he pulled out only left a small wound on the monster's skin, and that small wound was the same as no injury to the monster, which made Zhang Xu surprised.

   You must know that the whip in his hand is specially made, and it can break a big tree surrounded by five people with one whip, so how did the monster's skin grow so that it can withstand his whip.

  Lu Xiaoxiao is not as calm as Zhang Xu at the moment. Seeing that Zhang Xu's whip can't deal with the monster, she directly takes out the hot weapon and shoots at the monster's eyes.

  Since she can't kill this monster, she can beat it blind. As long as the monster becomes blind, she has plenty of ways to deal with the monster.

   Zhang Xu came back from his thoughts when the little girl took out a hot weapon to shoot, but he saw that the little girl was not in any danger for the time being, so he didn't help the little girl.

Because he wanted to see what the monster would look like under a hot weapon, and he wanted to find out the weakness of the monster. He believed that everything had a weakness. As long as he found out the weakness of the monster, he could easily Easily kill the monster.

After more than ten minutes, the thermal weapon in Lu Xiaoxiao's hand was empty, so she had no choice but to put the thermal weapon into the space, and then took out various poisons she developed and sprinkled them on the monster. She didn't believe that the monster could resist it. Contains all the poisons she makes.

After Lu Xiaoxiao used all the poisons she prepared on the monster, seeing that the monster was still alive and well, she almost shut herself up. What is this monster? It can not only withstand the attack of hot weapons, but also Can resist her poison, what should I do now?

   "You come back, I have a way to deal with him." After observing the whole process of the little girl fighting the monster, Zhang Xu probably guessed where the monster's weakness is, so he said to the little girl.

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu. Seeing Zhang Xu nodding towards her, she gave the monster a hard look, and retreated towards the safe zone.

  After the little girl retreated to a safe place, Zhang Xu took out a special spear from the space, then walked around behind the monster, and attacked the monster's lower three inches.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw where Zhang Xu was attacking, she immediately opened her mouth and looked at Zhang Xu in a daze. She didn't recover until Zhang Xu killed the monster.

  (end of this chapter)

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