Chapter 2769 Meeting a scumbag man

   "Did you ask Xiaoxiao to bring home a salty pig's head?"

   "No, I remembered you at that time, but I forgot about it."

   "It's okay, you can send one to Xiaoxiao this weekend."


   "It's getting late, you guys have to go to school tomorrow, go back to sleep."

   "Dad, you haven't told me what the **** happened today."

   "Nothing happened, you go back to the house and go to sleep."

  Liu Ermei didn't believe what Liu Pingjiang said at all. If nothing happened, they couldn't come back so late, let alone come back without eating, so something big must have happened to her grandmother's house.

  But since her father doesn't want to tell her, she won't continue to ask, because her father won't tell her if he asks.

  So she plans to ask the third and fourth younger sisters later, even if the third and fourth younger sisters can't tell what happened, she can still ask Mrs. Liu, and she believes that Mrs. Liu will tell her.

  So she walked towards the room with the third and fourth sisters.

  When she entered the room, she quickly closed the door of the room, and then asked the third and fourth sisters: "Third sister, fourth sister, what happened at grandma's house today?"

   "We don't know very well, because we were taken back to the house when grandma's house broke out."

   "It's okay, just tell me what you know."

  After Liu Sanmei heard Liu Ermei's words, she went through what happened at noon in her mind, and then she said: "Today, my aunt's partner came to the door. Everyone was very happy, and grandpa and grandma were also very satisfied with my aunt's partner.

  But during lunch, a good-looking man rushed into the grandmother's house, hugged the aunt's partner and cried, saying that it was to make the aunt's partner have to leave her and the child in her belly.

  I don't know what happened afterwards, because my fourth sister and I were taken into the room. "

   After listening to Liu Sanmei's words, Second Sister Liu didn't understand anything, that is, her aunt met a scumbag, and she didn't know how they handled it in the end.

   It seems that she still has to ask her mother tomorrow. My aunt is good to their family, and she doesn't want her aunt to be bullied.

   "Sister, what's the matter with you?" Liu Sanmei saw that Liu Ermei was sitting there motionless after listening to what she said, so she asked Liu Ermei.

   "I'm fine, you and Fourth Sister go to the kang to sleep, I'll wait for you to fall asleep before leaving."

   "Sister, can you sleep with us today?"

   "Okay, I'll go back to the house to get the pillow and quilt now."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao took Zhang Xu to see the master, she rode a bicycle with Zhang Xu towards the county seat.

  Because she and Zhang Xu are both practicing ancient martial arts, they both have night vision, and there is no difference between night and day for them, so they returned home in less than half an hour.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao parked her bicycle under the eaves, she took out the key to lock the bicycle, opened the door and went into the house to drink water.

  After she finished drinking the water, she asked Zhang Xu who was resting on the sofa: "Zhang Xu, the masters left you alone just now, what did they say to you?"

   "I didn't say anything, just let me take good care of you and don't let you be bullied."

"anything else?"


   "How is it possible, you have been alone with the masters for more than ten minutes, and they just said these few words to you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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