Chapter 2772 Stalemate

  After the doctor left, Second Sister Liu took Lu Xiaoxiao and walked towards the ward together.

  When she opened the door of the ward, she saw her grandmother sitting beside the hospital bed wiping tears, so she hurried forward and helped her grandmother wipe away the tears with a handkerchief.

   Then she said to her grandmother: "Grandma, the doctor said that my aunt's operation was a success, and as long as my aunt keeps up for two months, there will be no health problems."

   "Did the doctor really say that?"

   "Of course, if you don't believe me, ask Xiaoxiao."

  After hearing what Liu Ermei said, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out from behind Liu Ermei, and then nodded to Liu Ermei's grandmother, saying that what Liu Ermei said was true.

  Second Sister Liu saw that Lu Xiaoxiao cooperated with her so much, she showed a grateful smile to Lu Xiaoxiao, then looked at grandma again and said, "Grandma, believe me now."

   "I believe it, but when will your aunt wake up?"

   "It's probably going to be at night. My aunt just had an operation, so there is definitely no way to wake up so soon."

   "Then I'll go home and cook a chicken for your aunt, so that she can drink it when she wakes up."

   "Grandma, don't worry about stewing the chicken. There is still time to stew it tomorrow. Besides, my aunt doesn't know what time to wake up. If you stew it early, the chicken soup will be cold."

   "That's right, then I'll cook chicken soup for your aunt tomorrow, and let your aunt eat the sick meal from the hospital today."


   "Haven't your parents come back yet?"

   "Not yet, I'm planning to go to the bureau to find them, and then tell them about my aunt's successful surgery, and see how things are going by the way."

   "Then go quickly, I will watch over your aunt."

   "Okay, then I'll go."


  After Second Sister Liu came out of the hospital, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, thank you so much for today. Without you, my aunt would not have been able to get out of danger so quickly."

   "It's good to be able to help. Aren't you going to the police station? Let's go."

   "I have troubled you enough today, I can go to the bureau alone, you can go home and have lunch."

   "I'm not hungry yet, let's go to the bureau with you to see what's going on, maybe I can help."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu thought that the **** who meddled in her aunt's feelings seemed to have some background, so she nodded in agreement.

  After more than ten minutes, Second Sister Liu entered the bureau, and saw her parents, uncles and aunts all standing in the hall. From their ugly faces, it could be seen that things were not going well.

  So she went to Liu Pingjiang and asked Liu Pingjiang: "Dad, what's the situation now?"

   "The woman who injured your aunt has power in her family. They asked someone to come forward to help. The people in the bureau hope that we can reconcile with the person who injured your aunt."

   "How do they want to reconcile?"

   "I don't know. As soon as your uncles heard that the other party wanted to reconcile, they immediately quarreled with each other. Now the two parties are at a stalemate."

  Liu Ermei understood what was going on after listening to Liu Pingjiang's words. She was very glad that Lu Xiaoxiao came with her at the moment. She believed that as long as Lu Xiaoxiao came forward, the matter would be resolved soon.

  So she went to Lu Xiaoxiao and told Lu Xiaoxiao everything that happened in the case, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao for help.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't immediately agree to Liu Ermei's request for help, because she didn't know what power was behind that woman, so she said to Liu Ermei: "I'll go find the servant first, and I'll be back soon."


  (end of this chapter)

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