Chapter 2881 Settlement point

   Ten minutes later, after she had finished her breakfast, she saw that the turkey standing at the door had already left, while Zhang Xu was sitting opposite her drinking tea.

  So she said to Zhang Xu angrily: "Can't you be more tactful just now?"

   "He's a man, if you can't bear this setback, there's no need for you to heal his legs."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that what Zhang Xu said made sense, but she always felt that something was weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong with her, so she had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

  Seeing that the little girl's attention was no longer on the turkey, Zhang Xu slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and then asked the little girl, "Shall we go?"

   "Where to?"

   "What do you think?"

   "Oh, I remembered, let's go, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I can only hypnotize them in the morning." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards the room.

  When she returned to the living room, she said to Zhang Xu, "We can go."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Xu to the entrance of a cave. She saw that the cave was pitch black with no light at all, and it didn't look like anyone lived there.

  So she asked Zhang Xu, "Are you sure you didn't bring me to the wrong place?"

   "No, they are all inside, I will take you to meet them." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took the little girl's hand and walked into the cave.

   "Who?" Mu Mu asked loudly when he heard the footsteps.

"it's me."

   "It turned out that the boss came. I was really surprised. I thought it was the group of people who came here." After Mu Mu finished speaking, he came out from the dark.

   Zhang Xu saw that Mu Mu was alone, so he asked Mu Mu, "Where are the three of them, Monkey? Why are you left here alone?"

   "They went looking for something to eat, and they should be back soon."

   "Take me to see those people."

   "Boss, I advise you not to watch it, those people are out of their minds, even if you ask dry mouth, they can't answer your question."

   "I know, you open the door."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, although Mu Mu couldn't understand why Zhang Xu went to see those people, he still quickly activated the mechanism and opened the door.

  After Zhang Xu opened the stone gate, he explained a few words to Mu Mu, and then took the little girl to walk into the stone gate.

   "Why is there a secret room in this cave?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu while walking.

   "I don't know either, it was discovered when the monkey was running for his life, so I arranged people here."

   "Escape? When you are on a mission."


   "How long will it take to get to the place where those people are placed."

   "It's almost there." Zhang Xu quickened his pace after speaking, and they arrived at the door of the stone room in a short while.

  Let Xu he said to the little girl, "Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief."



   "I understand." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she quickly took out a handkerchief from the space to cover her mouth and nose.

   Zhang Xu saw that the little girl had covered her mouth and nose, so he opened the door of the stone room, and instantly a stench came out of the stone room.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu frowned the moment the stone door opened, she knew that Zhang Xu was affected by the stench, so she immediately took out a handkerchief and handed it to Zhang Xu to cover his nose and mouth .

  (end of this chapter)

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