Chapter 2891 Can cure legs

   "Master Xiao, I advise you not to provoke the black widow. That woman is really not easy to provoke, otherwise she wouldn't be called the black widow."

   "Is she really as scary as you say? Why do I think it's okay."

   "That's because you haven't met her, and you haven't fought her. If you had fought her, you wouldn't say such a thing."

   "Okay, you guys help me find out the whereabouts of the black widow, I have to meet her."


   "Because she almost killed my relatives, I naturally want to seek revenge from her."

  Old man Gui's face immediately changed when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because his relatives were also killed, so he could best understand Lu Xiaoxiao's mood at the moment.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely use the fastest speed to help you find the black widow, and then help you take revenge together."


   "No, Lord Xiao will definitely help when I seek revenge from my enemy, so there is no need to say thank you between us."

   "You do understand."

   "That's for sure, I'll check the whereabouts of the black widow now." After finishing speaking, the ghost old man walked out of the living room.

   Seeing that there was nothing to do with them, the others left after the ghost old man left, and went about their own affairs.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't leave immediately after everyone in the living room left, but drank all the water in the cup before walking towards the house where the turkey lived.


   When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the house where the turkey lived, she saw that the door was closed, so she reached out and knocked on the door.

   "Who is it?"


   "The door is unlocked, just push the door and come in."

  After hearing Turkey's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and gently pushed the door. Seeing that the door was really not closed, she pushed it open with force.

   "Master Xiao, why are you here?"

   "Let me help you check your body."

   "I don't need to check my body anymore. I think my body is so strong now that I can kill a wild boar with one punch."

"you sure."

"Of course."

   "Hand over here."


A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao helped Turkey take the pulse. Seeing that Turkey's body had really recovered to its peak state, she said to Turkey: "Your body is taking good care of you. I'll help you heal your legs tomorrow." .”

   "Is what you said true? Will my leg be fine tomorrow?"

   "It's beautiful to think about. It's been a hundred days since your leg was healed. After the recovery period, your leg will be considered truly cured."

   "I see, I will definitely do what you say, and I will never act on my will."

   "It's good that you understand what I'm saying. I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stood up and walked out.

   "Wait." Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was about to leave, Turkey yelled at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"What's wrong?"

   "I just heard you talking about the black widow, so I want to tell you something I know."

   "Oh, you were eavesdropping just outside the living room?"

   "No, I didn't eavesdrop. I just wanted to go to the living room to have breakfast, but I heard you were in a meeting, and I left immediately."

   "You don't have to avoid it next time. Since you're already planning to work under my command, you can go directly into the living room and participate in our meeting. Anyway, you have to participate sooner or later, so it doesn't matter whether it's earlier or later."

  (end of this chapter)

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