Chapter 2900 Found the trace

   "Master Xiao Xiao, why did you run away from Turkey? No wonder I didn't find you when I went to your room." The ghost old man immediately said to Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of Turkey's room.

   "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

   "Nothing happened, but a spy told me to find the black widow."

   "Where is the person?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked the old man with a cold light in his eyes after hearing what the old man said.

   "I don't know exactly where, I only know that the Black Widow will appear in the north of the city today."

   "Okay, you send people to various places in the north of the city to watch. I will go to the north of the city at night and meet the legendary black widow."

   "Master Xiao, are you really going to find the Black Widow? I told you that the Black Widow is a wicked woman. You'd better not go there."

   "It's okay, no matter how evil she is, she is still human. Since everyone is human, I have nothing to fear. Unless she is a ghost, then I feel a little disgusted."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, the ghost old man knew that Lu Xiaoxiao was determined to find the black widow. Even if he continued to persuade him, it would be useless, so he should save his saliva and arrange the things that Lu Xiaoxiao explained.

  After the ghost old man left, Lu Xiaoxiao went to the kitchen to serve the turkey the soup, and then returned to her room.

  Since she is going to find the black widow at night, she must be fully prepared. Although she says she is not afraid of the black widow, she is very afraid of the black widow in her heart.

   After all, the person who can make Zhang Xu suffer so much is not a simple person at first glance, so she must use various means to ensure her own safety. After all, if there is no life, there will be nothing.

   At 6:30 in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the living room after dinner, and saw all fifteen ghosts sitting in the living room, and they were obviously waiting for her.

  So she looked at Old Man Gui and said, "You called everyone back?"

   "Yeah, Black Widow is so evil, we must be fully prepared, otherwise if something happens to you, we will definitely die of guilt."

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the concerned expressions on the faces of everyone in the living room after hearing the old ghost's words. She moved her mouth and finally failed to say what she had to say. Instead, she sat on the only vacant seat and talked with the old ghost. They discussed what to do tonight.

Since Old Ghost and the others are going with her tonight, she has the responsibility and obligation to protect their safety, so she must distribute some of the prepared things to them, after all, she will not be able to take care of everyone when the time comes , so it is necessary to leave some life-saving things for them.

  The meeting ended more than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the sky had darkened, so she stood up and said to the ghost old man and the others: "Let's go, we should start, or the black widow will leave if we are late."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the north of the city. She asked the old ghost to call a spy who was stationed in the north of the city, and asked the spy, "Has the black widow appeared?"

   "Not yet, the black widow usually appears after nine o'clock and before twelve o'clock."

   "Understood, you continue to stay at the original place, and if you see danger in a while, quickly evacuate, don't come forward just to watch the fun, it won't be worth losing your life at that time."

   "I know, thank you." After the spy finished speaking, he disappeared into the night in a flash.

  (end of this chapter)

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