Chapter 2902 Battle

   "When did I say that the black widow is a ghost? I only said that the black widow is a puppet. Don't think about it. Besides, after the founding of the country, you are not allowed to become a spirit, so don't scare yourself there."

"I see."

   "Follow up." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she catted and followed the black widow. She wanted to see what the black widow was going to do.

More than ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao followed the black widow to a river, and she remembered that Zhang Xu told her that she was attacked on the way back to the small courtyard, and now she is where Zhang Xu returned to the small courtyard. The only way to go, could it be that the Black Widow came today to attack Zhang Xu?


   Before she could continue her analysis, the sound of falling water interrupted her thoughts, so she looked towards the place where the water splashed.

  It's a pity that she was completely immersed in her own thoughts just now, and didn't see who the person who fell into the water was, but the black widow who was standing by the river was gone, so the person who fell into the water just now is probably the black widow.

  The exclamation of the ghost old man also proved that her guess was correct, but even if she knew that the person who fell into the water was the black widow, she didn't froth and walked towards the river.

  Because if her guess is correct, then black widows are not afraid of water, so if they are near the river at this moment, they are likely to fall into the same misery as Zhang Xu.

   "Master Xiao, what should we do now?" The ghost old man asked Lu Xiaoxiao after exclaiming.


   "Waiting for what?"

   "Wait for the black widow to come ashore."

   "You mean the black widow is not dead, but hid in the river."

   "That's right, if the Black Widow is really a puppet as I guessed, then she is not afraid of water. The reason why she jumped into the water was to ambush. As for who she ambush, you will know in a while."

  The ghost old man nodded after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he explained a few words to the group of people following him, and then quietly squatted beside Lu Xiaoxiao, waiting for the person who had been attacked by the black widow to appear.

  Ten minutes passed, and the surroundings were quiet. Twenty minutes passed, and the surroundings were still quiet. Thirty minutes passed, and the surroundings were as quiet as ever.

  Just as the old ghost was about to ask why Lu Xiaoxiao hadn't appeared yet, he heard footsteps coming from far and near, and he immediately became vigilant.

"When the black widow appears in a while, all of you go out with me. Remember not to have any sympathy for the black widow, and directly torture her to death." Lu Xiaoxiao released her mental power to detect that the person who arrived was Zhang Xu, and she Said to the ghost old man and the others.



   "Boss, the person who attacked you has appeared again." The monkey said excitedly when the black widow jumped out of the water.

   "Don't bark, prepare to fight, remember not to take it lightly."


Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu and the others were fighting with the Black Widow in the blink of an eye, and Zhang Xu and the others were still at a disadvantage, so she said to the old ghost and the others: "It's time for us to play, remember not to hide it, Give me all the power to attack Black Widow, or none of us will be able to please tonight."


Zhang Xu saw it when the little girl showed up with someone, but he was being entangled by the black widow, and he couldn't get away to go to the little girl, so he had to shout loudly to the little girl: "Why are you here? "

  (end of this chapter)

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