Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2905: Brain supplements are terrible

  Chapter 2905 Brain supplement is too scary

   Monkey saw Zhang Xu walking towards the formation. He was afraid that Zhang Xu would be in danger, so he wanted to go with Zhang Xu, but she was stopped by Lu Xiaoxiao as soon as she took two steps.

  So he turned around suspiciously and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, what are you pulling me for?"

   "Don't go over and make trouble for Zhang Xu."

   "I didn't want to make trouble for the boss. I used to protect the boss. You also saw how disgusting the bug was. What if the bug suddenly flew up and attacked the boss that day?"

   "It won't attack Zhang Xu. It's in a weak stage and doesn't have any attack power. As long as Zhang Xu's skin doesn't come into contact with it, there won't be any danger."

   "How do you know this?" Monkey asked curiously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "I have read some books introducing Gu insects before, so I have some understanding of Gu insects."

   "You said that disgusting bug is a Gu bug?"

   "Well, otherwise it wouldn't grow so big."

   "The one who controls the Black Widow is also that Gu worm?"


   "Amazing, who came up with the idea of ​​using one bug to control a person, or to control such a powerful person, if that person uses a few more bugs to control several powerful people, wouldn't we be wiped out?"

"Don't worry, this kind of evil method is destined for destiny. That person has spent more than half of his life to make such a puppet, so it is impossible for that person to get more puppets, unless he has What secret method.

  But even if he has the secret method, he can't make a puppet as powerful as the Black Widow. After all, the ones made by the secret method are just fakes, which are not as powerful as the puppets he made with his heart and soul. "

  After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey didn't feel any less worried, on the contrary, it became more.

  Because he was worried that that person would use a secret method to create a puppet army. No matter how powerful they were, they would not be able to deal with a puppet army. He was really worried.

   No, he has to discuss with his brothers to see how to deal with the puppet army, otherwise there will be no rules, and they will have to wait for death.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Monkey had imagined so many things because of her words, even the puppet army.

  If she knew, she would definitely give the monkey a few shudders to wake him up.

  Because even a fool understands that using the secret method to achieve the goal will cost a lot, so even if that person uses the secret method to make puppets, he can only make a few puppets, and it is impossible to make any puppet army at all.

   "What's wrong with the monkey?" When Zhang Xu pretended to be a bug and returned to the little girl, he saw the monkey's worried look and asked the little girl.

   "I don't know either, but you don't have to pay attention to him, because sometimes his brain twitches like that, and it will be fine in a while."


   "Are you worm loaded?"

   "It's ready, in a bottle."

   "Give me the bottle and we'll get a professional to kill it in the morning."

   "Let me hold the bottle, I don't worry about leaving it with you."

   "Okay, you remember to check whether the bottle is plugged properly, and you put the bottle in the universe bag, so that even if the bugs escape from the bottle, they can't hurt you."

   "I see." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he put the bottle into the Qiankun bag and put it away.

  (end of this chapter)

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