Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2908: Sequelae of not waking up

  Chapter 2908 Sequelae of not waking up

At seven o'clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao was woken up by a hasty knock on the door. Since she slept late last night, she was very sleepy now, so she didn't want to pay attention to the person who knocked on the door. After a while the person who knocked on the door will leave, and she can continue to sleep.

  But the person who knocked on the door seemed to have a grudge against her. He kept knocking on the door, as if he would not stop unless he quarreled her until he opened the door, which made her very irritable.

  So she had no choice but to bear the dizziness and get out of bed to open the door.

When she opened the door of the room, she saw the old ghost standing at the door with an innocent face, and she couldn't suppress the anger in her heart immediately, so she yelled at the old ghost, "What time is it now, you Just keep knocking on my door, because you don't want me to sleep, right?"

   "No, how could I not let you sleep." The ghost old man trembled at Lu Xiaoxiao's yelling, and then quickly denied it.

   "Then tell me, what are you doing knocking on the door of my room early in the morning?"

   "I'm here to ask you to eat. I'm leaving for the mine in a while. If you don't eat, you will feel uncomfortable in the car."

   "Go to the mine? What am I going to do in the mine?"

   "Master Xiao, you haven't forgotten that you are going to the mine with Xie Yuecheng and brother and sister today, right?"

   "I really forgot, I had a bad attitude just now, and I want to say sorry to you."

   "It's okay, it's okay, anyone who hasn't slept well will be irritable, I understand that."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at the old man Gui after hearing what the old man said, and then said: "You go to eat first, I will be there in a while."


  After the old ghost left, Lu Xiaoxiao rubbed her temples with her hands, then took out a cup of black coffee from the space, and then went to the bathroom to wash up after feeling bored.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the living room. Seeing that the two brothers and sisters of Xie Yuecheng had arrived, she nodded to them, and then sat down at the table to have breakfast.

  After she finished her breakfast, she saw that everyone in the living room was ready, so she said, "Let's go."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao led a group of people to the first mine. Seeing that the formation at the entrance of the mine had not been destroyed, she knew that no one had entered the mine.

  So she stepped forward and withdrew the formation, and then said to Xie Yuecheng, "You can work now."

  Xie Yuecheng nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and led the people into the mine.

   "Xiaoxiao, my brother started working? Should we go to the next mine?" Xie Yueling asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Xie Yuecheng leading people into the mine.

   "Don't worry, we will go to the next mine after your brother mines the ore."

   "Are you sure my brother can mine the ore so quickly?"

   "Not sure, but I trust my gut."

  Xie Yueling looked at the sky speechlessly when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't know where Lu Xiaoxiao got the confidence that her instinct was right.

   But Lu Xiaoxiao is her boss, so she naturally wouldn't tear down her boss's platform, but she couldn't say anything against her will, so she had to stand silently beside Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After more than forty minutes, Xie Yuecheng ran out of the mine excitedly holding a stone. He shouted while running: "The ore has been dug out, we have dug out the ore."

  The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up slightly after hearing Xie Yuecheng's words, although she had known for a long time that the ore in the mine would be dug out soon.

  But they didn't expect the speed to be so fast. It seems that Xie Yuecheng and the others are not working so fast.

  (end of this chapter)

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