Chapter 2913 Help

   "Then what are you going to do? Do you just destroy them or get them out?"

   "I'm planning to use my tricks so that I can find out who is behind the scenes. Otherwise, even if I destroy those puppets, other puppets will appear. Therefore, only by solving the problem fundamentally can the matter be completely ended."

   "You did the right thing, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "It does."

   "Tell me, if I can help, I will."

   "I want you to go to Mr. Xu. I found out that Mr. Xu knows many capable people, so the professionals we need still need Mr. Xu's help."

   "I see. It just so happens that I plan to go to Mr. Xu tomorrow, and I will ask Mr. Xu for you."

   "What are you going to ask the old man to do tomorrow?"

   "I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. Mr. Xu has been nice to me, so I must tell Mr. Xu before I leave."

   Zhang Xu only remembered after hearing what the little girl said. The day after tomorrow, the little girl will go back to Harbin, and he still has a lot of things in his hands that have not been resolved.

  So he said guiltily to the little girl: "I may not be able to leave with you the day after tomorrow."

   "I know, you don't have to feel sorry for me, because a large part of the reason why you didn't accompany me to leave is because of me, and you also know that I came to Yun Province this time to solve those who deal with the ghost old man.

  And now you have directly helped me deal with those people, and indirectly helped me solve the matter. I have to thank you if I count it. "

"No need to thank you, your business is my business, and what those people do is no longer simply to deal with the ghost old man. What they are doing now has endangered many people, so even without you, I will take over the matter come over."

"I see."

   "It's getting late, I'll leave first, you go to bed early, or you won't be able to get up again tomorrow morning."

   "Okay, you also go to bed early."

  The next morning at seven o'clock, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the alarm ringing, so she got up in a hurry and went to the bathroom to wash up.

   After she finished washing, she checked the time, then went to the living room with her backpack on her back to have breakfast.

   "Master Xiao, why did you get up so early today?" The ghost old man asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the living room.

   "I don't get up early one day, should you be so surprised?"

   "Yes, yes, yes, I said something wrong. You wake up very early every day, but you didn't come to the living room."

  After hearing what the old man said, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that the old man was teasing her, but she was in a good mood today, so she didn't intend to fight with the old man, so she went directly to the table for breakfast.

   After she had finished her breakfast, she saw the old ghost still sitting in the living room, so she asked the old ghost, "What are you doing today? Why are you still sitting in the living room?"

   "I really don't have anything to do today, so I plan to take a good day off."

   "Okay, I won't come back for lunch at noon, you don't have to prepare my lunch."


More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to Mr. Xu's house. He saw Mr. Xu playing with birds in the yard with a smile on his face, so he walked up to Mr. Xu and said, "Grandpa Xu, why are you in such a good mood today?" ?”

   "Hahaha... Of course I'm in a good mood. I heard the magpies calling early this morning, and I knew that there would be a distinguished guest today. Do you think I'm in a bad mood?"

  (end of this chapter)

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