Chapter 2921 Unpacking

   "Stop for me."

"What's wrong?"

   "Since you didn't ask Xiaoxiao to come to eat at home just now, forget it. When I come back from the supply and marketing agency to cut some meat tomorrow morning, you can let Xiaoxiao come to eat at home."

   "Okay, then I'll put the things in the main room and store them, and then I'll help you pick the vegetables."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished cooking her lunch, she checked that the time was exactly eleven o'clock, so she brought the food to the dining table, then took out the tablet from the space, and ate lunch while watching cartoons.

  After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao finished her lunch. She took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and put the leftover dishes into the space for storage.

  It’s the end of May now, and the weather is getting hotter. She’s afraid that the food will go bad if she puts it outside, so it’s better to put it in the space.

After Lu Xiaoxiao put away the food, she saw that she had nothing to do in the afternoon, so she planned to tidy up the packages brought back by Yun Sheng, otherwise she might forget those packages after a while, so she still took advantage of the present It's better to have time to tidy them up.

The first thing she unpacked was the six big packages she packed, because she packed the packages, so she knew exactly what was in them, and after a while she packed all the things in the packages and divided them into categories put it in the space.

The next highlight is the four big packages that Zhang Xu gave her. Based on her understanding of Zhang Xu, the contents of these four packages must not be simple things. Can't see him.

  Lu Xiaoxiao opened the package closest to her first, and then she saw a large package full of dried Hericium erinaceus, which was twice as much as the one she bought in the department store, which really surprised her.

But what surprised her the most was that Zhang Xu kept what she said in her heart. She remembered that when she took out Hericium erinaceus chicken soup for Zhang Xu to drink, she complained that there were too few Hericium erinaceus. If she could buy more Enough.

  She couldn't remember what Zhang Xu said at that time, but what Zhang Xu said at that time was no longer important, because Zhang Xu had already shown her that there was nothing to be afraid of with him.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put Hericium erinaceus into the space, she looked forward to the contents of the next package even more, so she dragged the second package over, and then opened the second package.

When she saw the contents of the second package, she took a deep breath, because the second package was full of precious medicinal materials, many of which were not in her space, and she did not know Zhang Xu from Where did you get so many precious medicinal materials.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put the medicinal materials into the space, she opened the third package. The contents in the third package were the same as those in the second package, all of which were precious medicinal materials.

  But she was no longer surprised at this moment, because she was already numb from the shock, so she just raised her eyebrows when she saw the contents of the third package, and put the contents into the space.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the last remaining package. She walked over to pick up the package. Seeing that this package was heavier than the previous three packages, she knew that the contents of this package were different from those of the first three packages. Everything was different, so she quickly opened the last package.

  (end of this chapter)

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