Chapter 2938 Mung bean soup

After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that she had nothing to do, so she went upstairs to take a nap for a few days. This morning, she was busy with work. Although she was not physically tired, she was mentally tired, so she planned to take a good rest. take a break.

   Zhang Xu saw that the little girl had gone upstairs to take a nap, so he planned to go out for a while, calculating the time when he should come back and make dinner for the little girl.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao woke up and didn't see Zhang Xu, so she planned to go to the kitchen to cook a pot of mung bean soup. The weather is too hot now, she and Zhang Xu are both running outside, so it's better to drink something to relieve the heat Soup and water are better.

   When Zhang Xu arrived home, he saw the little girl busy in the kitchen. He put down the things in his hands and walked into the kitchen. Seeing the little girl, he asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "No, just bring the mung bean soup I packed to the dinner table."

   Zhang Xu nodded when he heard the little girl's words, then picked up the mung bean soup and walked towards the living room.

  After Zhang Xu left the kitchen, Lu Xiaoxiao took four small cakes from the space and put them on a plate, and then walked out of the kitchen with the small cakes.

   "Why did you remember to make mung bean soup?" Zhang Xu put the packed mung bean soup in front of the little girl and asked.

"The weather is too hot, so I want to drink some soup and water. This is a small cake I made. How do you taste it?" After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned the plate with the small cake in the direction of Zhang Xu Pushed a bit.

   Zhang Xu looked at the cake on the plate after hearing what the little girl said, his eyes flickered unconsciously, but he didn't say anything, but picked up a small cake and ate it.

  Because he knows that the little girl has a secret, as long as the little girl doesn't reveal her secret to others, he can pretend that she doesn't know.

   "How is it? Is it delicious?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after Zhang Xu finished eating a small cake.

   "It's delicious, but you can only make small cakes for me in the future, not for others."

   "No problem." Lu Xiaoxiao agreed without thinking about what Zhang Xu said.

  Because after some instruction from Professor Wang, she knew that this little cake cannot be eaten by other people, but this other person does not represent Zhang Xu, so she can still share the little cake with Zhang Xu.

  After Zhang Xu finished his mung bean soup, he checked that it was almost time to make dinner, so he said to the little girl, "I'll make dinner."

   "Wait, don't be in a hurry for dinner, you can help me see if this thing can be made." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a blueprint from the space and handed it to Zhang Xu.

   Zhang Xu took a look at the drawing that the little girl handed him, and he probably understood what the little girl was talking about. He also looked at the materials used to make this thing, and they were all very common things.

  So he said to the little girl: "The thing you drew can be made, but what are you doing with it?"

   "Of course it's grilled. Things like sweet potatoes, chicken, and pork can be grilled. When you finish the oven, I'll cook them all for you."


   "Then I'm going to make dinner. You should think about how to build the oven and where to build it. By the way, I want two ovens, so when you look for materials, remember to look for double."


   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finished dinner and came out of the kitchen. Seeing that Zhang Xu was not in the living room, she walked towards the yard.

  (end of this chapter)

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