Chapter 2941 Moved

   "Did you really pancake?"


   "I just said it casually, how uncomfortable pancakes are on such a hot day, don't you hate heat?"

"you want to eat."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she felt an arrow in her heart. How could Zhang Xu be so provocative.

It's a pity that she looks like a child who has just turned thirteen years old. Even if her heart is pounding, she can't show shyness, so she can only pick up the pancake solemnly and take a bite to show that she is very happy. move.

   "Is it delicious?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl when she saw that the little girl picked up the pancake and took a big bite.

   "It's delicious, it's really delicious, it's the best pancake I've ever eaten."

   "Since you like to eat it, I'll bake some more in a while, and you can keep it in the Qiankun bag and eat it slowly."

"No, what you've done is enough. Don't stand there. Sit down and try my roasted chicken and crispy pork belly. If you like it, I'll make some for you to eat slowly." After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said.

  The reason why she thinks pancakes are delicious is not because of how much she likes pancakes, nor how delicious Zhang Xu’s pancakes are, but because of Zhang Xu’s intentions.

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he sat down on the stool, picked up a piece of crispy pork belly with his chopsticks and ate it.

   "How is it? Is it to your liking?"


   "Then I'll roast some for you after dinner. I marinated a lot of meat just now, but I didn't roast it."

   "Okay, but can you teach me how to bake when you bake?"


   "Then wait until I learn how to bake for you."

   "Okay, I'll wait."

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and then walked towards the yard with Zhang Xu carrying the marinated meat.

  After she came to the yard, she asked Zhang Xu to remove all the charcoal fire in the oven, and then wiped the ashes in the oven with a special cloth mop.

  After Zhang Xu cleaned the oven, she hung the marinated meat on the hook, then handed the meat to Zhang Xu and said, "Put the meat into the oven and hang it on the special hook."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then hung the meat on the hook inside the oven as the little girl said.

  After he hung up all the meat, he asked the little girl, "Is this all right?"

   "Of course it's not good. The most important thing for barbecue is the heat, so we have to turn on the oven every once in a while to check the condition of the meat, so as not to burn the meat."

   "I see, you go into the house and rest, I will watch the meat."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve. The weather is so hot. She has only been busy in the yard for a while, and she is completely hot. It seems that she really needs to go back. Go to the house to rest for a while, or what should I do if I suffer from heat stroke.

  So she said to Zhang Xu: "I'll go back to the house to rest for a while, and I'll come out to replace you after I've rested."


  More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the yard and saw Zhang Xu taking the meat out of the oven, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Is it roasted so soon?"

   "It should be baked, the same as what you gave me for lunch."

   "That means it's finished roasting. Put the meat away quickly, or it won't taste good if it gets cold."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then walked into the living room with the meat, and put the meat into the Qiankun bag.

   "Do you want roast chicken?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after reheating the oven.

  (end of this chapter)

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