Chapter 2959 Rookie Rules

  The next morning at seven o'clock, Lu Xiaoxiao finished Zhang Xu's love breakfast and went to work.

  When she came to the office, she saw that Zhang Yuanyuan was cleaning, so she quickly put the bag on the place, and then asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, what do I need to do?"

   Zhang Yuanyuan froze for a moment when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she realized what Lu Xiaoxiao asked her.

  So she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "You can do whatever you want, it's entirely up to you, no one is forcing you, I just feel that I can get a day's salary without doing anything all day long, and I feel very sorry.

  That's why I come here early every day to clean up the office, fill the thermos bottle with water, and do what I can. "

  After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, although Lu Xiaoxiao didn't quite agree with Zhang Yuanyuan's actions, she understood Zhang Yuanyuan's actions very well.

  Because as a rookie in the workplace, if you want people not to squeeze you out, you really need to do something that makes people look comfortable. Although this seems rather spineless, it is also a good way to protect yourself.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you want to clean up?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing there in a daze.

   "I'll fetch water."

   "It's fine, but do you know where the water is fetched? How about you wait until I finish sweeping the floor, and then we go together."

   "No, I saw the place to fetch water when I was having lunch yesterday."

   "Then you go, they should come to work in a while."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she picked up the two thermos bottles in the office and walked towards the water fetching place.

  By the time she fetched water and returned to the office, most of the people from the purchasing department had already arrived, and Zhang Yuanyuan was sitting on her seat and winking at her desperately.

  Although she didn't know why Zhang Yuanyuan blinked at her, her sixth sense told her that it must be something bad, so she quickly put the thermos bottle on the table in the corner, and then walked towards her desk.

   "Why did you come back?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao in a low voice after Lu Xiaoxiao sat down.

   "There are too many people fetching water, so we need to line up."

   "So that's the case, I said why you have been away for so long and haven't come back."

   "What's the matter, did something happen? And why were you blinking at me desperately just now?"

   "Now is not the time to talk, let's talk about it when we have lunch, you just need to remember not to say anything from now on, just sit quietly in your seat."


  The morning passed quickly, and after everyone in the purchasing department had left, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Let's go, let's go eat."

   "Wait a while before going, now you are still queuing up, please let me rest for a while."

   "Didn't you rest all morning, why do you still need to rest?"

   "Who said I rested in the morning, don't you feel the tense atmosphere in the office?"

   "No, I don't think there is any difference from yesterday."

   "Hey, you didn't see the scene where the director got angry in the morning, and the scene of those people shirking each other's responsibilities. It scared me so much that I wanted to hide under the table."

   "What happened?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan curiously.

   "The batch of live pigs purchased by our factory had problems."

  (end of this chapter)

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