Chapter 2961 Misfortune comes from heaven (2)

   "Purchasing materials, I guess you already know about the slaughter of the live pigs purchased by our food factory, so I want you to represent the food factory to purchase a new batch of live pigs."

  Lu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly when she heard Li Qianjin's words, although she guessed before entering the office that Li Qianjin was looking for her for the sake of pigs.

   But when things fell on her head, she felt extremely upset, because she felt that she was being calculated by others.

So she said to Li Jinjin: "Director Li, I want to ask why the purchasing department entrusts me with such an important task instead of those outstanding old employees. Isn't the purchasing department afraid that I will mess things up? "

  Li Qianjin had an unnatural expression on his face when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. If Yang Huai hadn't advised him to leave the matter to Lu Xiaoxiao, he wouldn't have looked for Lu Xiaoxiao either.

So he coughed lightly and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, you and Zhang Yuanyuan are the only ones who have nothing to do in the procurement department, and I think you are more suitable for the job of purchasing live pigs than Zhang Yuanyuan, so I put It's up to you to do the work."

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sneered when she heard Li Qianjin's high-sounding reason. She knew that if she wanted to continue to stay in the purchasing department, she had to take over this job.

   There is no problem for her to take over the work at all, besides, purchasing materials is an easy task for her, because the materials in her space are piled up like mountains.

  But she will not just take over this hot potato so stupidly, she has to say everything that needs to be said before taking over the job, lest she end up making a wedding dress for someone else.

   "Director Li, it's okay for me to take over this job, but I have to tell you about some things in advance, otherwise the trouble will be too ugly in the end and no one will be able to please you." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Li Jinjin with a serious expression and said.

When Li Qianjin heard that Lu Xiaoxiao was willing to take over the job, he couldn't help but feel happy, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao gently: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, if you have anything to say, I will give it to you as long as I can do it." You do it."

   "Actually, I want to say two things. The first thing is that I hope that Director Li will handle the matter of buying live pigs well so that it will not affect my purchase of live pigs.

  The second thing is that I hope that Director Li can make a notice that no one should interfere with my work of buying live pigs, because I don't want to make wedding dresses for others. "

   After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Li Qianjin felt that the two matters proposed by Lu Xiaoxiao were not difficult, so he agreed directly.

  Seeing that Li Qianjin agreed to her two conditions, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Li Jinjin about buying live pigs, and went straight out of the director's office.

   "Xiaoxiao, what does Director Li want from you?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao in a low voice after Lu Xiaoxiao returned to her seat.

   "Look at the way those people look at me, and you should be able to guess why Director Li is looking for me."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she secretly looked at the people in the office, and saw that some of them looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with sympathetic eyes, some looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with gloating eyes, and some of them looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with sympathetic eyes. Some people looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with mocking eyes.

  Suddenly, a bad idea flashed in her mind, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao quickly: "Xiaoxiao, Director Li is looking for you to buy live pigs, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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