Chapter 2984 Settle, thanks

   "Why did you leapfrog to the factory director instead of me directly." Yang Huai asked after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "I didn't leapfrog. It was the factory manager who asked me to find him. He said there was something wrong with my procurement certificate."

   "How does the factory manager know that there is a problem with your purchase certificate? Could it be that you took the initiative to show the purchase certificate to the factory manager?"

   "No, I met the factory manager when I was eating, and I casually asked the factory manager why the factory purchased so many live pigs this time.

   As a result, the factory manager said that the factory did not plan to buy more live pigs, and it was still the same as before. Then he asked me to show him the certificate of purchasing live pigs, and I directly showed the certificate to the factory manager. "

Yang Huai's pupils shrank when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't believe that things would be so coincidental, but even if he knew, there was nothing he could do about Lu Xiaoxiao. He had no evidence in his hand, so he had no choice but to let Lu Xiaoxiao Xiao went back to his seat first.

   "Xiaoxiao, Deputy Director Yang didn't scold you, did he?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came back.

   "No, I have done nothing wrong, Deputy Director Yang will not scold me."

"That's good."

   "It's almost time to get off work, pack up your things quickly, and I'll take you to dinner." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at her watch and said to Zhang Yuanyuan.

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan quickly packed up her things, and after she finished packing, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, where should we go for dinner?"

   "State-run hotel."

   "Can I invite someone to come with us?"

   "Yes, but you need to tell in advance who you invite."

   "Of course there is no problem. The person I want to invite is Sister Wang Fengwang. If she didn't provide us with information this time, we wouldn't be able to complete the task so quickly."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and agreed to Zhang Yuanyuan's invitation to Wang Feng to have dinner with them. Go to the state-run restaurant to order food and occupy a seat.

  At 11:30 noon, when Lu Xiaoxiao came to the state-run restaurant, she saw a few people eating at the state-run restaurant. It seemed that she didn't have to wait too long for her meal today.

  So she walked to the order window and said to the waiter, "I want a piece of braised pork, a piece of braised fish, a bowl of egg soup and six steamed buns."

   "Four yuan and sixty cents, plus a catty and a half of meat coupons and a catty of food coupons."

  After paying the money and tickets, Lu Xiaoxiao found a seat by the window and sat down, thinking about things while waiting for Zhang Yuanyuan and Wang Feng.

   Half an hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao brought all the dishes she ordered to the table, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan and Wang Feng walking into the state-run restaurant, so she called out to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, this way."

Zhang Yuanyuan immediately took Wang Feng towards Lu Xiaoxiao when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's cry, and when she came to Lu Xiaoxiao, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, this is the one I told you Miss Wang Fengwang."

   "Hello, Miss Wang."

   "Hello Comrade Lu, thank you for inviting me to dinner today."

   "You're welcome. Without the help of Sister Wang, I don't know how I would be in such a terrible state."

   "Xiaoxiao, Sister Wang, you two are welcome, we will be good colleagues in the future, and we have plenty of time to bond.

  So let's eat first, otherwise the food will be cold in a while. Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao and Wang Feng started talking about the scene, Zhang Yuanyuan hurriedly said.

   "Okay, let's eat first."

  (end of this chapter)

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