Chapter 2986 Acid

   "I see, in fact, I didn't mean to be lazy before, but they didn't arrange things for me, so I can only have fun by myself to pass the time, otherwise, if I just sit in the office for a day, people will be sitting stupid.

  But now that you are here, I won’t be bored anymore, so I can take those comic books home and show them to my nephew. Anyway, I’ve read those comic books five or six times, and there’s nothing else to read. "

  The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched when she heard Zhang Yuanyuan's words like this, and then she didn't think much about Zhang Yuanyuan, so she quickened her pace and walked towards the food factory.

  After three o'clock in the afternoon, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw Chen Qi walk into the office, she knew that the reward Chen Dong said was coming, so she winked at Zhang Yuanyuan who was sitting opposite her, telling her to look at Chen Qi.

   "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with your eyes?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao kept raising her eyelids.

   "It's nothing, you can go to your own business." Lu Xiaoxiao lowered her head depressed and said.

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan saw that Lu Xiaoxiao didn't seem to be busy, so she lowered her head and continued to read the book in her hand.

  After Yang Huai asked Chen Qi why he came, he called out to Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan: "Lu Xiaoxiao, Zhang Yuanyuan, you two come here."

After hearing Yang Huai's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stood up and walked towards Yang Huai, but when she passed by Zhang Yuanyuan, she saw that Zhang Yuanyuan was still sitting there in a daze, so she reached out and grabbed Zhang Yuanyuan, and Sound to remind Zhang Yuanyuan to keep up.

  Zhang Yuanyuan came back to her senses when Lu Xiaoxiao was teasing her, so after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she quickly got up and followed Lu Xiaoxiao towards Yang Huai.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to Yang Huai, she asked Yang Huai, "Deputy Director Yang, what is the reason you called us here?"

   "Let Secretary Chen talk to you."

  After hearing Yang Huai's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Qi, although she knew in her heart what Chen Qi was looking for them for.

  But there are so many people in the office at the moment, she must not let them see that she knows everything, so she looked at Chen Qi with a confused face.

Chen Qi saw Lu Xiaoxiao looking at him with a confused look, so he guessed what Lu Xiaoxiao was thinking, so he said cooperatively: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, Comrade Zhang Yuanyuan, I am here to see you on behalf of the factory manager." Two of them.

In view of the fact that the two of you solved the crisis in the factory, after discussing with the factory manager and several leaders in the factory, it was decided to reward each of you with a pen and an enamel jar. I hope that you will work harder in the future and contribute to the food factory. contribute. "

   "Thank you to the factory manager, thank you to all the leaders in the factory, we will definitely work harder to contribute to the construction of the food factory."

   "Yes, I will also contribute to the construction of the food factory as Xiaoxiao said." Zhang Yuanyuan quickly echoed after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

  Chen Qi nodded in satisfaction after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan said, then he handed the rewards from the factory to Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan, and left the office.

   After Chen Qi left, all the people in the purchasing department looked enviously at the pens and enamel jars that Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan were holding.

  Not to mention that a pen costs two yuan, but the enamel jar is a good thing that money can’t buy, because buying an enamel jar requires twelve industrial coupons.

   And they only have three industrial coupons a month, so they may not be able to buy an enamel tank a year, because they need industrial coupons to buy other things at home.

  So they are so sad now.

  (end of this chapter)

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