Chapter 2993 Origin

   "Xiaoxiao, why are you waiting for me at the door? Didn't we agree yesterday that I will come to you."

   "I saw that it was almost time, so I came out."

"It turns out that's the case, then let's go, don't let my mother see us, if she doesn't let her know, she will definitely ask me, if she finds out that I secretly went to see the doll's lover, she will definitely beat me with a stick of."

   "Don't worry, Aunt Chen loves you so much, she will definitely not give up and beat you."

  "If I make mistakes in other things, my mother will definitely beat me, but when it comes to baby kissing, my mother will definitely beat me.

Because my mother has always had a hurdle in her heart, that is, she failed to give birth to a son for my father, and failed to give birth to a grandson for my grandparents. Although my father and my grandparents don't mind this, it just makes my mother feel more psychological. guilt.

So my mother secretly arranged a baby kiss for me when I was very young, and the baby kiss partner will be my family's door-to-door son-in-law when he grows up, so that my future children will follow my surname Zhang, and my family will not be married. The incense will be cut off.

  So my mother will not allow anyone or anything to destroy this baby, even my own daughter. "

  After listening to Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Aihua with sympathetic eyes, because Zhang Aihua's life was almost clearly arranged by Chen Zhenzhen.

  Although Chen Zhenzhen did this for a reason and there is no major fault, she still disagrees with Chen Zhenzhen's actions. After all, Chen Zhenzhen did not give birth to a son, and it has nothing to do with Zhang Aihua. She cannot let Zhang Aihua bear the shortcomings of her life.

  Even if Zhang Aihua has the responsibility to pay for this family, it must be Zhang Aihua’s willingness. After all, Zhang Aihua is a thinking person, not a machine without feelings.

   But this is just her thoughts, she will not say it, because she is just an outsider.

   "Let's go, let's go see your doll lover." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Aihua.


   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Aihua came to the building of the steel factory. She looked around, but she didn't see anyone who fit Zhang Aihua's description.

  So she asked Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, where is your doll?"

   "I don't know either. I only saw his childhood photos and know that he lives in the building of the steel factory."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was completely speechless after hearing Zhang Aihua's words. When she heard Zhang Aihua describe the doll kisser just now, she thought they had met before. After all, Zhang Aihua even described the height of her doll kisser.

  But it never occurred to her that those were all imagined by Zhang Aihua, she didn't even know what to say about Zhang Aihua.

   Also, she was very curious that Zhang Aihua's family was so close to that doll's relative's house, why the two of them didn't usually move around, could it be that Zhang Aihua didn't know the secret?

   "Ah Hua, why don't we go back first, and wait until you find out which room your doll's lover lives in and what he looks like, then we'll come find him, okay?"

   "No, I have to block him today, otherwise I can't feel at ease."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Aihua's firm words, she knew that Zhang Aihua planned to spend the whole day here today. Unless Zhang Aihua's doll lover showed up, Zhang Aihua would never leave here.

  Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply, and then stood firmly beside Zhang Aihua to accompany Zhang Aihua.

  (end of this chapter)

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