Chapter 2998 It's summer vacation

  After all the students handed in their books, Gao Feng checked the time and it was exactly eight o'clock, and then began to distribute the test papers in her hand.

  After she distributed the test papers, she told every student to write their names, and sat on the podium to invigilate the exam.

  An hour later when the bell rang, Lu Xiaoxiao knew the exam was over, because she didn't know whether to hand in the test paper to the two desks, or wait for the teacher to come down and collect it.

  So she didn't make the first bird, but sat on the seat and watched how the classmates in the class did it. When the time comes, she will follow suit.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao finished handing in the test paper. She looked at her watch and saw that there were still fifteen minutes before the end of the test. She planned to go to the bathroom.

  But when she walked into the toilet, she backed out immediately, because there were too many people in the toilet, and when it was her turn, the exam time had already begun.

  So she had no choice but to find a place where no one was around and enter the space to solve her physical problems, otherwise she was afraid that she would be suffocated to death during the exam.

  At 11:30 noon, the second exam was over, Lu Xiaoxiao packed her things and walked out of the class quickly, heading towards the school gate.

  Since Lu Xiaoxiao's home is not far from the school, she didn't bring food to school like everyone else, but went home to eat directly.

   "Xiaoxiao, wait for me." Zhang Aihua saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of school, and hurriedly shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Aihua's cry, she turned her head and looked back, and saw Zhang Aihua running towards her, so she stood there and waited for Zhang Aihua.

   "Xiaoxiao, you also finished the exam at 11:30?" Zhang Aihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she ran up to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Yeah, what's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, I thought you would hand in the paper early."

   "I think so too, but I don't know if the high school exam can be handed in early, so I wait until the end of the exam to hand in the paper."

   "You can ask the teacher, but the premise is that you are not afraid of the teacher scolding, hahaha..."

   "It seems that you have done this kind of thing before, otherwise you would not be so clear."

   "Don't tell the truth if you see it through."

   "Let's go, let's go home and have dinner, there is an exam in the afternoon."


  In the next two days, Lu Xiaoxiao spent the exams. Although the test papers were not difficult for her, the time in the classroom waiting for the end of the exam was really hard.

   Fortunately, it was only two days, and it passed quickly. No, she was lying on the sofa after the exam, eating ice cream and watching TV. She was so leisurely.

   "Kuukoukou...Kuukoukou...Xiaoxiao...Xiaoxiao, are you at home?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao heard a knock on the door just after eating the ice cream, so she quickly put the tablet into the space, then got up and went to the yard to open the door.

   "Ah Hua, didn't you say that you are going to your grandma's house today? Why come to me when you have time." Lu Xiaoxiao opened the yard door and saw Zhang Aihua, and asked.

   "Don't mention it, my aunt is the best. I couldn't stay any longer, so I ran home early."

   "Hehe... Hurry up and go into the house to drink water, and see that your clothes are soaked in sweat."

   "Okay." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she went into the yard, and after Lu Xiaoxiao closed the door of the yard, she and Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the living room.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the living room, she poured a large glass of water for Zhang Aihua, and then went to the kitchen to fetch fruits for Zhang Aihua.

  But there are too few fruit varieties in this era, so Lu Xiaoxiao only cut a plate of watermelon to serve Zhang Aihua.

  (end of this chapter)

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