Chapter 3008 Too poor

  When Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian heard that they were going to sleep in the mountains, they were so frightened that they immediately took out the water bottle and drank a couple of sips of water, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "We've had a good drink."

   "Let's go, and try to walk to the village in one breath."


  After four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian in the village not far away, who were tired and could not straighten their backs, and said: "You two work harder, we will almost reach the village."

   "Xiaoxiao, you have said this more than a dozen times, please put it another way."

   "This time it's really coming soon, if you don't believe me, see for yourself."

  Although Zhang Yuanyuan didn't quite believe what Lu Xiaoxiao said, she still raised her head and looked forward with hope.

   Then she danced excitedly, even throwing away the wooden stick she used to support her walking.

   "Okay, don't get excited, we still need to walk for more than ten minutes before we can enter the village.

  So take out all the dry food left in your bag and eat it now, otherwise you will be embarrassed to take out the food when you arrive in the village. "

   "Why are you embarrassed to take out the food?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked suspiciously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "You will know in a while, now listen to me and take out the food."


   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and the others took out all the edible things in the bag and ate them, and then they continued on their way.

  When they entered the village, they were shocked by what they saw, because the houses in this village were all thatched houses, which were more dilapidated than the villages they had seen before.

  It is hard for them to imagine that there are still such poor villages, so can they really get food from such villages? Lu Xiaoxiao and the three fell into deep suspicion at the moment.

   "Where did you three melons come from?" Xu Dashan asked when he saw three well-dressed people standing at the entrance of the village.

   "We are from Qinghe County, sir, do you know where the village chief's house is?"

   "I am the village head, what are you doing in Dashan Village?"

   "We came to Dashan Village to buy food on behalf of Sunshine Food Factory."

   "Buy food? I think you have come to the wrong place. You have also seen the situation in the village. There is really no surplus food for you to buy."

   "Village Chief, I know you don't have any food, but you don't have to use food to buy food, you can use other things.

  For example, all kinds of dried meat, dried mushrooms, sun-dried pine nuts and walnuts, etc., these things can be used to exchange tickets and money. "

   "What you said is true?"

   "Of course it's true. Your village is located in a big mountain. If you think about it, every household has some of those things."

   "There are some, but not too much."

   "It's okay, just pick up some more this autumn, I think the villagers will definitely be willing, after all, this is not a small income."

   "Okay, I will tell the villagers about this, but are you sure you will accept those things?"

   "Of course I'm sure, otherwise I wouldn't have traveled all the way to Dashan Village."

  Xu Dashan thought about it after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Qinghe County is not close to their village.

From Xu Dashan's expression, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Xu Dashan believed her words, so she asked Xu Dashan: "Village Chief, I want to ask if there is any vacant house in the village. We want to have a house in the village tonight." stay overnight."

   "Yes, my house happens to have two vacant rooms. If you don't mind, you can come and live in my house."

   "Of course I don't mind, thank you village chief."

   "You're welcome, come with me." After Xu Dashan finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the house.

  Seeing Xu Dashan leave, Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said to the two people beside her: "Follow up, or you will suffer later."

  Although Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian didn't understand the meaning of Lu Xiaoxiao's words, they followed what Lu Xiaoxiao said and quickly chased after Xu Dashan.

  Xu Dashan returned home after more than ten minutes. She saw a woman weeding in the private plot, so she said to her: "Sujuan, there are guests at home, you clean up the two rooms at the back of the house for them to live in."

  Xu Sujuan nodded after hearing Xu Dashan's words, and then went to clean up the house without asking anything.

  Xu Dashan is generally very satisfied with the understanding of his mother-in-law. Fortunately, he didn't listen to his mother-in-law and married Xu Damei, otherwise how could he have such a good life today.

  When Xu Dashan thought of this, he felt very proud, because he felt that this was the most correct decision he had ever made in his life.

  The three of Lu Xiaoxiao had no idea what Xu Dashan was thinking, and they were discussing what to do next.

   But the yard is not a place to talk after all, and they couldn't say a lot of things, so they shut up after talking for a few words, and stood quietly waiting for Xu Dashan to take them to the room they used tonight.

  More than half an hour later, Xu Sujuan came to the front yard after cleaning the house. She saw Xu Dashan sitting on the stone under the eaves smoking a pipe, so she said to Xu Dashan, "Master, I have already cleaned the house."

   "Thank you for your hard work, cook more meals at night."


  Xu Dashan said to Lu Xiaoxiao and the other three after Xu Sujuan went to the kitchen: "Let's go, I'll take you to where you live."

  The three of Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Xu Dashan's words, and then followed Xu Dashan to the backyard.

   "These two rooms are where you will live tonight. As for how to allocate them, it's up to you. I'll leave first if I have something to do. If you need something, you can go to the front yard to find my wife, and she will help you."

   "Thank you village chief."

  Xu Dashan waved his hands after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then turned and left.

  After Xu Dashan left, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian: "I will share a room with Yuanyuan at night, and Zhang Jian, you live in a room by yourself. You have no objection."


   "Then let's go back to our houses and have a rest. See you in half an hour."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, she looked around the room and felt that the room was not bad, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, sit down and rest quickly, don't just stand around."

   "Where should I sit, there are no stools in the room."

   "Sit on the bed directly."

   "It will stain the bed."

   "It's okay, you don't need to pay attention to those now, just come as you feel comfortable."

   Zhang Yuanyuan sat down on the bed after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Today, she walked on the mountain road all day, and her feet are as useless. Now she doesn't want to take a step.

   "Do you need me to press your feet for you?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan when she saw that Zhang Yuanyuan had been hammering her feet with her hands.

   "Do you still press your feet?"

   "I have learned it, do you want to try it?"


   "Okay, you lie down, I'll massage your feet right now."

  (end of this chapter)

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