Chapter 3010 agreed (two)

   "Xiaoxiao, your idea is very good, but we don't have that much money, so we can buy mountain goods in autumn." Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Don't wait for autumn, I thought about this problem before I came here, so I brought a hundred yuan with me this time, which is enough to buy mountain goods."

   "That's great, when are we going to find the village chief?"

   "Let's eat later, remember not to go out alone, because when we entered the village, many people were watching us, so we can only stay at the village head's house to be the safest."

   Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian felt chills running down their spines when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Although they knew that there were troublesome people in poor mountains and rivers, they never thought that they would experience it themselves. It was really terrifying.

  So they hurriedly promised Lu Xiaoxiao that they would not leave the village chief's house without permission.

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt relieved after hearing what Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian said, so they began to discuss the acquisition of Shanhuo.

  After they discussed the matter, they saw Xu Sujuan standing at the door of the house, so Lu Xiaoxiao asked her, "Auntie, what can you do with us?"

   "It's time to eat, I'm here to ask you to eat."

   "Thank you, auntie, we'll be there in a while."

  After Xu Sujuan left, Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, wouldn't it be nice for us to go to the village chief's house for dinner without bringing anything?"

   "No, remember not to reveal your wealth when you go out. We will give each of the children of the village head's family a fruit candy when we finish eating later, and don't give anything else.

   And you remember to take all your valuables with you, and don’t leave your body when you sleep, do you understand? "


   "Then go and pack your things, I'll wait for you outside the house."

   "Don't pack it up, the most valuable thing we bring is money, and it's in our pockets right now."

   "Then let's go to dinner. If someone inquires with you later, you should pretend to be shy and don't tell them anything."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao brought Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian to the main room of Xu Dashan's house, he saw that Xu Dashan's family was already sitting at the dinner table.

  So the three of them greeted Xu Dashan's family and sat in the three vacant seats.

  Xu Dashan said to Lu Xiaoxiao and the other three after they sat down, "There is nothing good to entertain you at home, so I can only let you eat with us."

   "You are welcome, the village chief. The food in the city is also in short supply. We usually eat steamed buns and sweet potato porridge, which is no different from what you eat."

  Xu Dashan's smile became more sincere after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he picked up the steamed bread and started eating.

  The Xu family saw that Xu Dashan had started eating, so they dared to pick up chopsticks to eat.

  Lu Xiaoxiao and the three looked at each other after seeing the Xu family's eating rules, and then they also picked up the buns and started eating.

  After dinner, Xu Dashan asked his family to go back to the house to rest, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "In the evening, I told the villagers that you wanted to buy mountain goods, but they didn't really believe it.

  So I would like to ask if you can buy a batch of mountain products first, so that the villagers will actively go up the mountain to pick mountain products in autumn. "

  After hearing Xu Dashan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't agree immediately, but showed a embarrassed look.

  (end of this chapter)

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