Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3012: Acquisition of mountain goods

  Chapter 3012 Acquisition of mountain goods

  The next morning at half past six, Lu Xiaoxiao woke up and saw that it was already daylight, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan who was sleeping next to her, "Yuanyuan, it's time to get up."

"what time is it?"

   "It's already half past six in the morning."

   "I'll get up right away." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she reached out and rubbed her eyes, then yawned and sat up.

  Seeing that Zhang Yuanyuan woke up, Lu Xiaoxiao got out of bed to wash up, because there was only half an hour left before the time to buy Shanhuo.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, you're up too." Zhang Jian greeted Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao when he walked out of the room.

   "You can call me Lu Xiaoxiao, you don't need to add comrades at the end. After all, we have all been on business trips together, and our relationship is not that unfamiliar."

   Zhang Jian nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then went to the front yard with Lu Xiaoxiao to wash up.

  Xu Dashan saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Jian coming, and asked them: "Comrade Lu, Comrade Zhang, did you sleep well last night?"

   "Sleep well, thank you village head for lending us a room to rest."

   "You're welcome, you guys go and wash up, breakfast is ready, I'll be waiting for you."


  Breakfast was over half an hour later, and Lu Xiaoxiao said to Xu Dashan: "Village Chief, you can start buying mountain goods."

   "I'll go and tell them to come here, just wait in the yard." Xu Dashan walked out of the house after speaking.

  The three of Lu Xiaoxiao also left the main room after Xu Dashan left. After all, the master has left, so it is not unreasonable for them to continue to stay in other people's rooms.

   "Xiaoxiao, who will pay the money, who will keep the accounts, and who will look after the purchased goods?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   Zhang Jian volunteered after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words: "I'll watch over the recovered mountain goods."

   "Okay, I will leave it to you to guard Shanhuo, and Yuanyuan will do the bookkeeping. I will be responsible for checking the quality of Shanhuo and paying the money. Do you two have any opinions on this arrangement?"


   "Then let's go back to the house to pack our things now, and we'll leave immediately after we finish collecting the mountain goods."


When the three of Lu Xiaoxiao packed up their things and returned to the front yard, they happened to see Xu Dashan leading a group of people into the yard, so she took off the backpack she was carrying on her back and handed it to Zhang Jian, and walked towards Xu Dashan. go.

  When she came to Xu Dashan, she said to Xu Dashan: "Village Chief, we didn't bring a scale, do you have a scale?"

   "Yes, I'll get it right away." The village chief walked towards the main room after speaking.

After more than an hour, the purchase of the mountain goods was completed. Lu Xiaoxiao took out fifty yuan from her pocket and handed it to Xu Dashan, saying: "Village chief, the total price of the mountain goods we bought just now is forty-nine and fifty cents, here is fifty yuan , I want to give the extra fifty cents to the person who helped us carry the goods down the mountain, after all, we can’t make people work for nothing.”

Xu Dashan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then he stretched out his hand to take the money that Lu Xiaoxiao handed over and counted it, seeing that the amount was correct, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I will give the money to Zhuzi. "

   "Thank you, village chief, then let's go first, and we will come to Dashan Village to buy mountain goods when the autumn harvest comes."

   "Okay, I will let more people from the village go to the mountains to pick mountain products, and you must come when the time comes."

   "Don't worry, the quality of Dashanhuo is very good, we will definitely come, and we will definitely not miss the appointment."

  (end of this chapter)

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