Chapter 3015 intends


  Lu Xiaoxiao was about to tidy up the mountain goods when she heard a knock on the door, so she had no choice but to go to the yard to open the door.

  When she opened the door to the yard, she saw Guanshi Xie and someone she didn't know, so she said to Guanshi Xie, "Come in."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Steward Xie led the people into the yard quickly, but he stopped after entering the yard, and did not continue to walk into the house, but waited for Lu Xiaoxiao to close the gate of the yard. , and then walked towards the house with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the living room, she poured a glass of water for Guanshi Xie and the stranger, and then said to Guanshi Xie: "The things are there, you can go and see for yourself."

   After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Steward Xie couldn't care less about drinking water. He put the water that Lu Xiaoxiao poured for him on the tea table, and quickly walked towards the pile of things that Lu Xiaoxiao was pointing at.

  After he finished reading the pile of things, he sighed and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, where did you get these things?"

   "Why, you don't like it?"

   "How could I look down on these things, I just think the quality of these things is too good, and I am curious about where you got these things."

   "I got it by accident. It's inconvenient to say other things. Let's calculate the price of those things."

   Manager Xie nodded tactfully after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then went to calculate the price of the pile of things.

  After he calculated the price of the pile of things, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, based on the purchase price on the black market, your pile of things can be sold for a total of ninety-eight yuan."

   "Okay, just give me the money."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Steward Xie took out a stack of money from his pocket, counted out ten cards of Great Unity, and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, the extra two yuan is considered money in the bag."

   "Okay, you guys move your things away." Lu Xiaoxiao said after taking the money.

  At 1:50 p.m., when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office, she saw that there was no one else in the office except Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian.

  So she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, where have everyone in the office gone?"

   "Where else can I go, let's order food."

   "Didn't they all get food?"

   "I don't know, but Sister Wang hasn't ordered food, and the others probably have enough."

   "Come here, both of you, I have something to talk to you." Lu Xiaoxiao sat down and said to Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian.

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian probably guessed what Lu Xiaoxiao was going to say to them, so they walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao with happy faces.

When Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhang Jian came to her desk, Lu Xiaoxiao looked around and confirmed that there were only three of them in the office, then she whispered: "I have already sold the mountain goods we brought back. , sold for a total of ninety-eight yuan."

"so much?"

   "Speak softly, what if someone overhears you?"

   Zhang Jian realized after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words that he spoke too loudly just now, so he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, and I couldn't control my voice."

   "It's okay, just pay attention next time, let's continue to talk about things, although we made forty-eight yuan this time, it is obviously not enough to buy a thousand catties of grain.

  So I plan to go to Dashan Village before the autumn harvest, and ask the villagers to help us pick a batch of mountain products before the autumn harvest.

   Otherwise, they would not have enough time to help us pick mountain products after the autumn harvest, because they have a lot of things to do after the autumn harvest. "

  (end of this chapter)

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