Chapter 3017 method

  Wang Feng didn't really believe that Lu Xiaoxiao could help after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but she still told Lu Xiaoxiao what happened.

After listening to Wang Feng's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood what was going on. To be honest, it was very difficult for Wang Feng and the others to order food this time, because the food factory did not have the strength to compete with the steel factory. If Wang Feng and the others don't find another shortcut, then they will definitely not be able to complete the task.

  So she asked Wang Feng: "Sister Wang, do you believe me?"


   "Since Sister Wang believes me, I will give Sister Wang an idea, but Sister Wang must promise not to tell anyone else about our conversation."

   "Don't worry, Xiaoxiao, I'm not the kind of talkative person, let alone the kind of ungrateful person, so I will never tell others about our conversation."

  After hearing what Wang Feng said, although Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't guarantee that Wang Feng would not tell others, she still believed in her own eyesight.

  So she said to Wang Feng: "Sister Wang, if you order food according to the traditional method, you will definitely not be able to order food this year, so you have to try a new method to order food. Only in this way can you order food."

   "What's new?"


   "I can't understand what you're saying."

   "Actually, the meaning of my words is very simple. It is to ask Sister Wang to exchange the money tickets with the villagers for mountain goods, and then use the mountain goods to exchange food with people."

Wang Feng thought about it after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and she felt that it was feasible, but the most difficult thing was to exchange food with someone. You must know that food is the most precious thing now, and most people would not take it out to exchange food with others. People exchange things, so as long as this problem is not resolved, she dare not take money tickets to exchange mountain goods with villagers.

  Looking at the hesitation in Wang Feng's eyes, Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Wang Feng was thinking. Since she had already helped Wang Feng with his ideas, she might as well send the Buddha to the west.

  So she said to Wang Feng: "Sister Wang, you don't have to worry about not being able to exchange for food, I have a little connection in this regard, and I can help you exchange mountain products for food.

  However, the exchange of mountain products for grain cannot be done at the market price. I must make this clear to you in advance. "

  Wang Feng was overjoyed when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't expect Lu Xiaoxiao to have such ability. It seems that Lu Xiaoxiao's parachute to the procurement department was not only based on connections, but also strength.

   No wonder Lu Xiaoxiao was able to clean up the mess that everyone avoided so well last time. It seems that she was right to help Lu Xiaoxiao last time, otherwise Lu Xiaoxiao would not help her this time.

   But there is one thing she doesn't quite understand. Since Lu Xiaoxiao has connections and ability, why does she come to such a hard-working department in the purchasing department? Isn't it good to go to the finance department?

   "Sister Wang, did you hear what I said?" Seeing that Wang Feng didn't respond at all after she finished speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Wang Feng.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Wang Feng realized that she was thinking far away, so she quickly retracted her thoughts, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Sorry, I thought of other things just now, so I didn't have time to get back to you if."

   "It's okay, people sometimes get distracted. If Sister Wang can accept what I just said, I can help Sister Wang with the food exchange."

   "Of course I can accept it, thank you Xiaoxiao, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't even be able to eat."

  (end of this chapter)

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