Chapter 3019 The ultimate attack

"of course it's true."

   "But they are not very old."

   "You think they are young, but they don't think at all. If I read correctly, Wang Xiangxiang is already two months pregnant."

  Zhang Aihua was dumbfounded when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. If she was shocked when she learned that Guan Zhengxiang and Wang Xiangxiang got together, she was completely shocked now.

   You must know that Guan Zhengxiang and Wang Xiangxiang have no financial foundation yet. If they give birth to a child, the two of them will be completely unable to support a child, which is really terrible.

"Hey, what are you two muttering over there?" Seeing Zhang Aihua talking with a girl he didn't know, Guan Fu completely ignored their family, which immediately made him feel very shameless, so he said He said to Zhang Aihua.

   "It's none of your business what we talk about. I told you that my parents are not at home. If you have something to do, wait until they come back to talk about it. If you are still so unreasonable, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

   "How do you want to be rude to us? Don't forget that Ah Xiang is your fiancé, and I am your prospective father-in-law."

   "Bah, I'm still a fiancé, you are shameless and I want shame. As for your son's second-hand goods, I don't even want to give it to me for nothing."

   "Who are you talking about second-hand?" Guan Zhengxiang asked Zhang Aihua with his eyes angrily after hearing Zhang Aihua's words.

   "Of course I'm talking about you, don't you even forget what you did?"

   "I... what did I do, don't talk nonsense without evidence, or I will kill you."

   "Oh, I'm so scared, come and beat me if you have the ability, dare to do it but dare not take it, what a coward."

  Guan Zhengxiang heard Zhang Aihua call him a coward, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, so he stretched out his hand and hit Zhang Aihua in the face.

  Seeing that Guan Zhengxiang was going to hit Zhang Aihua, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly stretched out her hand to stop him, but she didn't expect someone to be faster than her, and kicked Guan Zhengxiang away.

   "Ah Hua, are you okay?" Zhang Xuejun asked Zhang Aihua after kicking the flying officer Zhengxiang.

   "Dad, I'm fine, you came in time, that **** didn't hit me."

   "That's good, you and Xiaoxiao go back to the house, and leave the rest of the matter to Dad."

   "No, you can't quarrel with them, so I will stay and help you, otherwise if you are bullied by them, my mother will feel bad."

   "Don't worry, your dad is such a big man, he won't be bullied by them."

   "Ah Hua, why don't we go back to the house first." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Aihua when she saw Chen Zhenzhen came back.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Aihua originally wanted to reject Lu Xiaoxiao's proposal, but when she followed Lu Xiaoxiao's gaze towards the gate of the courtyard, she immediately dragged Lu Xiaoxiao into the house.

  Because her strong mother is back, the official family can't beat her mother at all, so she is not worried that her father will be bullied at all.

  Chen Zhenzhen squeezed into her yard with great effort, but when she saw the official family staring at Zhang Xuejun, she immediately became angry.

  So after she handed over the basket she was carrying to Zhang Xuejun, she cursed at the official family: "What are you doing, why are you staring at my man? Do you like men?"

   "Fuck your mother, I like women." After hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, Guan Fu couldn't care about the purpose of coming to Zhang's house today, and scolded Chen Zhenzhen back.

  (end of this chapter)

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