Chapter 3022 Morality

   "Mom, I know I was wrong, please don't be angry."

   "How can I not be angry with you, there were so many people watching the fun just now, all you said was heard by those people, and they might not know what to say about you now."

   "Let them talk if they want to, anyway, I won't lose a piece of meat."

   " really want to **** me off, you." Chen Zhenzhen said with a trembling voice after hearing Zhang Aihua's words.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, so she hurriedly said: "Aunt Chen, you can't blame A'hua for this matter, if it wasn't for the officials and rich people who were shameless, A'hua wouldn't be slapped with anger by them .

  So in the final analysis, it is the fault of the officials and family members, so don't blame Ah Hua anymore, she is also a victim. "

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Zhenzhen felt a little less angry, but when she thought that her daughter's reputation would be damaged, she couldn't calm down.

  So she said to Zhang Aihua: "From tomorrow onwards, you are not allowed to go anywhere, stay at home obediently until school starts."


   "Why else, it's for your reputation."

"What's wrong with my reputation? Is it possible that my reputation can be completely ruined just because of those few words, and the person who did the wrong thing is Guan Zhengxiang, and he should be the one who wants to ruin my reputation. What does it have to do with me. "

   "I don't want to talk to you anymore, let your dad talk to you." After Chen Zhenzhen finished speaking, she walked towards the kitchen.

   Zhang Aihua looked at Zhang Xuejun after Chen Zhenzhen left, and asked, "Dad, did I say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong, it's just that this world is unfair to women after all. Even if a man does something wrong, it's okay to say a few words, but if a woman does one thing wrong, she will be cast aside by the world. You Can you understand what I mean?"

   "I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand."

   "Think about it carefully, I'll help your mother cook." After Zhang Xuejun finished speaking, he stood up and nodded to Lu Xiaoxiao, then walked towards the kitchen.

   Zhang Aihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Zhang Xuejun left: "Xiaoxiao, did you understand what my dad said?"


   "Then do you think what my dad said makes sense?"

   "That makes sense, you have a good dad."

   "But I still don't quite understand what my dad said, can you explain it to me?"

   "Actually, Uncle Zhang's words are very straightforward. Let me ask you a question. If a man betrays a woman, what do you think of that man?"

   "Naturally I think he is a bad person."

"Then what?"

   "Refused to associate with him."

"anything else?"

   "No, I have refused to communicate with him, how could there be others."

   "Okay, that's the end of this question, let me ask you another question, if a woman betrays that person, how do you think about that woman?"

   "Naturally, I feel that she is an immoral woman. We should not only keep a respectful distance from this kind of woman, but also keep our friends away from her, because she has a criminal record, and I don't know what she will do in the future."

   "Now you understand the meaning of Uncle Zhang's words, the same thing, but because of gender, people's views and practices are completely different, so you really did something wrong today."

   Zhang Aihua nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said, "I'll go and apologize to my mother in a while."

  (end of this chapter)

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