Chapter 3025 Send something

  After hearing the words of the tree of life, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel relieved. She was still worried that if the branches were taken by someone with a heart, it would cause disaster, but now she doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

  So she carefully took the branch off her shoulders, and then wrapped it with a handkerchief so that she would not accidentally break it.

   "Master, you don't have to be so careful, my branches are very flexible, even if you fold them in half, they won't break."

   "I see, you go to the energy essence and stay there."

   "Thank you, master." After the tree of life finished speaking, he jumped off Lu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and ran towards the energy essence.

  Looking at the tree of life, Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head amusedly, like a dog seeing fleshy bones, and then she went to organize things for Zhang Xu.

   It was already past three in the morning when she tidied up everything, so she took a quick shower and went out to sleep.

  The next day at noon, Lu Xiaoxiao returned home immediately after get off work. Seeing that there were still about two hours before the plane arrived in the county, she picked up the phone and called Zhang Xu.

   "Hello, who are you looking for?"

   "I'm looking for Zhang Xu, please let him answer the phone."

"Hold on."

A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's voice from the microphone, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, I'll send you something in a while. Sometimes you just pick the lock and you can take out the contents."


"By the way, there are three branches in the box. You must remember to take them out and put them away separately. I have written them down on a piece of paper for their use and usage. You will find out when the time comes. .”


   "Then I'll wait for you to come back. You haven't taken the pen I gave you yet."

   "I'll go get your pen myself."

   "It's a deal, I'm going out to send you something, so I'll hang up first."

"be safe."


  After hanging up the phone, Lu Xiaoxiao took out two steamed buns from the space and ate them quickly, then rode her bicycle towards the suburbs.

  When she arrived in the suburbs, she found a hidden place to take the box out of the space, and then she sat on the box and waited for Li Fei.

  After more than 20 minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the sound of the helicopter's propeller, and she quickly ran towards the open space, and then waved to the helicopter flying in the sky.

When Li Fei saw someone waving at him, he knew it was Lu Xiaoxiao, so he found a suitable place for the plane to land, then opened the hatch and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Comrade Lu, give me the things." .”

   "Wait a minute." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she ran towards the place where she put the box.

  After a while, she came to the cabin door with the box in her arms, then handed the box to Li Fei and said, "Comrade Li, please help me hand over the things to my brother, I have already called him to pick up the plane."

   "Okay, I will definitely hand over the things to Captain Zhang."

   "Thank you." Lu Xiaoxiao backed away after finishing speaking.

   It wasn't until the plane took off that she left the suburbs on her bicycle and rode towards the food factory.

   "Xiaoxiao, when did you buy a bicycle?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao pushing a bicycle into the factory just as she walked into the food factory.

  (end of this chapter)

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