Chapter 3032 Talk about homework

   "That makes sense, what's your budget this time?"

   "One hundred dollars."

   "Yuanyuan, I didn't expect you to be a rich man."

   "I'm not a rich man. I've saved this money since I was a child. It's been almost twenty years and I only saved a hundred yuan. Do you still think I'm a rich man?"

   "Of course I think. You have to know that in the countryside, a large family can't earn a hundred yuan a year, so your one hundred yuan is really a lot. You can marry several wives in the countryside."

   "Several daughters-in-law? Are you telling the truth?"

   "Of course it's true. Some people give a bag of grain when they marry a daughter-in-law. Only those who are a little better off will give a bride price of ten or twenty yuan."

   Zhang Yuanyuan was shocked when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't expect that it would be so cheap to marry a daughter-in-law, so the bride price won't be so low in the future, right?

   "What are you thinking about?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked when she saw Zhang Yuanyuan lying on the table in a daze.

   "I didn't think about anything, I just thought that I would not be able to marry someone with such a low bride price in the future, because my salary is eighteen yuan and fifty cents a month, and there are various subsidies.

  If I marry someone who only gives ten or twenty yuan as a bride price, then I will not be at a loss. "

   "Don't worry, your mother won't marry you into such a family."

"makes sense."

   "By the way, are you sure you want to spend all the hundred dollars on shopping?"

   "Sure, it's such a rare opportunity. I don't buy enough. Besides, I have a salary every month. Sooner or later, I will get back the money I spent."

   "What you said makes sense, then take advantage of the time before I leave to think about what you want to buy, and then I will help you buy it back."


  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao hurried home after get off work. When she arrived at the door of her house, she saw Liu Biao standing at the door of her house with a big bag of things.

  So she asked, "Why did you come so early?"

   "I don't have to go to work in the afternoon, so I bought some vegetables. I can't just eat them every time I come to the door. Now that I can make money, I have to show it."

After hearing Liu Biao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt relieved for some reason. She was not relieved because Liu Biao came to buy vegetables, but because of Liu Biao's kindness, which proved that she did not help Wrong person.

   Dinner was ready more than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao took a sip of the soup and asked Liu Biao, "When is your next trip?"

   "After half a month."


   "Provincial capital."

   "Why is the place where the car was dispatched this time so close?"

   "Because there is an unwritten rule in the transportation team, one long-distance trip three short-distance trips, otherwise the driver may not be able to bear it physically."

   "This regulation is quite good. Driving long distances is really exhausting both mentally and physically."

   "I think it's okay, I didn't feel tired when I got out of the car this time."

   "That's because you are not the driver, otherwise you would never be able to say this sentence."

   "I would like to be a driver, but Master Xu refused to hand over the steering wheel to me, and only let me sit in the co-pilot seat to watch how he drives."

"You are content, many people in the transportation team have repaired the car for several years, and they may not be able to follow the car once. You have only joined the transportation team for less than a year, and Master Xu asked you to go on a long trip with the car. He That's pretty good for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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