Chapter 3037 Cooperation

   After Manager Xie finished the glass of water that Lu Xiaoxiao poured for her, seeing Lu Xiaoxiao sitting there as steady as Mount Tai, he knew that if he didn't take the initiative to speak today, Lu Xiaoxiao would not talk to him.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I want to ask what is your relationship with Liu Biao?"


   "Are you a good friend?"

   “A friend you can trust.”

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Steward Xie knew what he said. He thought about it in his heart and said, "Master Xiao, I want to do business with you. I don't know if you want it or not."

"Tell me."

  "Liu Biao brought a batch of goods to me this morning. Originally, I didn't want to talk to him, because there are many people like him every day. It would be unrealistic for me to talk to everyone.

   So I asked him to go out, and I didn't take the bag he handed over until he said you asked him to bring the goods to me.

   As a result, I saw a lot of good goods in the bag, and there was even an imported one, so I found it from you. "


   "Actually, my purpose of coming here today is very simple. I want you to provide me with a batch of goods a month, but don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer."

   "Do you think I have that great ability?"

   "Others definitely don't have it, but Master Xiao, you definitely have it."

"Okay, since you trust me so much, I will help you no matter what. From now on, you will come to my house to pick up the goods on the first of every month, but I can't guarantee the types of goods, but they are definitely rare goods. "

   "Just do as Master Xiao said, this is the deposit." Manager Xie took out a stack of money from his pocket and put it on the coffee table, then said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Looking at the money on the tea table, Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Guanshi Xie was thinking. Guanshi Xie was just afraid that she would go back on his word, but this time, Guanshi Xie was completely in vain.

Because this cooperation was originally arranged by her, in order to sell some of the things she bought in the small commodity market in Zhejiang Province, so she wished that this business would go on for a long time, how could she make a half-way regret? thing.

   Fortunately, Guanshi Xie didn't know what she was thinking at the moment. If Guanshi Xie knew, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

After Lu Xiaoxiao sent Guan Xie away, she went into the space to sort things out. In her previous life, when she bought supplies, she bought them in large quantities. She forgot many things after buying them, especially the things she bought at the small commodity market in Zhejiang Province. , She basically forgot about it.

  So she needs to organize things properly, and put away all the things beyond this era, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

   It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when she finished tidying up her things. She looked at the Qiankun bag in her hand and showed a satisfied smile.

  Because this Qiankun belt contains things that can be sold to Manager Xie, and the quantity is large enough for her to sell for decades, but it is sold on a monthly basis.

If she sells it once a week, it will be enough for her to sell it for seven or eight years, but she is already very satisfied if she can sell it for seven or eight years, because by then everyone can do business, and those things will be gone. That's a good deal.

  Even if she sells all the things, she won't make much money, so she should sell those things as soon as possible, so that she can accumulate more original funds and lay a solid foundation for becoming a charter woman.

  (end of this chapter)

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