Chapter 3053 Bold idea

After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, a bold idea flashed into Lu Xiaoxiao's mind, but it was 90% impossible for her to realize this idea, but she still planned to share this idea with Chen Dong. Dong himself.

   "Yuanyuan, I have something to go out for a while, if someone finds me later, you can say that I went to the toilet."

   "No problem, but where are you going?"

   "Secret." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she got up and walked out of the office.

  When she came to the door of the factory director's office, she saw that the door was open, so she reached out and knocked on the door a few times.

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, why are you free to come to me today?" Chen Dong heard the knock on the door and looked up to the door, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Uncle Dongzi, are you busy now?"

   "Not busy, just tell me if you have anything to do."

  After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office, closed the office door, and said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, I have a question for you."

"what is the problem?"

  “As far as I know, there are many workers in the factory who have not been allocated houses. If this continues in the long run, it will definitely have an impact on the factory.

  So I thought why the factory didn't build more houses, so that they could be distributed to more workers. "

   "It's not that the factory doesn't want to build, but that there is no money."

   "This is not a big problem, is there any free space in the factory?"

   "Yes, there is still a large open space behind the family building."

   "That's fine. Since the factory has land, we don't have to worry about not being able to build the house."

   "What do you mean by that, I can't understand why."

   "It's normal for Uncle Dongzi not to understand. If you understood, the house would have been built long ago."

   "Stop selling lawsuits there, tell me what's going on."

   "Actually, I have a bold idea, but I don't know if Uncle Dongzi dares to implement it."

   "What a bold idea?"

   "Uncle Dongzi can raise funds from those who are in need of housing to build a house. They can pay as much material and labor costs as the house they want. The factory doesn't ask them for a penny, and they also provide them with land to build houses.

  I think the people in the factory will be very happy to hear the news. After all, they will soon be able to have their own house, and they don’t have to live together with a large family. "

After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Dong was stunned in shock. He didn't expect that the bold idea that Lu Xiaoxiao told him would be this. Although this idea sounds simple, it is very difficult to implement it. .

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Sister Xiaoxiao, your idea is too bold. Even if I have the courage to do it, those leaders in the factory don't have the courage to do it."

   "As long as Uncle Dongzi has the courage, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a caring heart. If Uncle Dongzi does this well, it will be of great benefit to your work."

"Of course I know that it will be good for me if this matter is done well, but this matter is too difficult. Even if I get rid of the people above and those in charge of the factory, there is no way to implement this matter, because there are still Worker."

   "As long as Uncle Dongzi can deal with the people above and the person in charge of the factory, I will have a way to help Uncle Dongzi deal with the people in the factory."

   "What you said is true?"

   "Of course it's true, so Uncle Dongzi, do you want to fight?"

   "Of course, as long as the two of us can accomplish this, it will be of great benefit to both of us,"

  (end of this chapter)

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