Chapter 3059 Heartache

  At around eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go to bed, but before she went to bed, she heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs, and she immediately became vigilant.

  She stood there and listened for a while, but when she saw that there was no movement, she immediately released her consciousness and went downstairs, but found nothing.

  So she had no choice but to take out the wooden warehouse that Zhang Xu gave her from the space, and walked downstairs.

  When she came to the stairs, she stretched out her head and looked down, and saw a familiar figure.

Just when she was about to go downstairs, she saw a girl in a skirt walking towards that familiar figure, she froze all of a sudden, she didn't have the intention to go downstairs, and went straight back to her room went.

  The next night when Lu Xiaoxiao went downstairs, she saw Zhang Xu sitting on the sofa, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Didn't you go on a mission? Why are you here?"

   "I'm back from a mission."

   "Are you here alone?"

   "Do you think there is anyone else besides me?"

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao only felt a pain in her heart, and an indescribable feeling came to her heart, which made her want to escape from this place.

  So she said to Zhang Xu that I had gone to work, and walked quickly to the outside of the living room.

   "Have you had breakfast yet?"

   "I'm not hungry, so I won't eat. I won't come back for lunch at noon, so I don't need to prepare my meal."

  Looking at the back of the little girl leaving in a hurry, Zhang Xu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out, so he had to put it aside in advance, and planned to think about it later in the evening.

   "Boss, I'm here, did you make my breakfast?" Wu Meimei asked Zhang Xu when he climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard.

   "I didn't tell you to stop wearing skirts, why are you wearing them again?"

   "Boss, I didn't wear women's clothes on purpose, but when I went out for missions, I needed to bring women's clothes, so I didn't bring men's clothes at all, so I can only continue to wear women's clothes."

  The veins on Zhang Xu's forehead twitched involuntarily when he heard Wu Meimei's words, and then he couldn't bear it and said to Wu Meimei: "Get out, don't appear in front of me until you change back into men's clothes."

   "Boss, you are so ruthless, even a beautiful woman like me is willing to scold you."

   "Wu, Mei, Mei."

   "Boss, I went shopping for clothes." Seeing that Zhang Xu was really angry, Wu Meimei hurried over the wall and ran away, fearing that Zhang Xu would clean him up. His small body couldn't stand Zhang Xu's cleaning up.

   "Didn't you ask for leave, Xiaoxiao? Why are you coming to work again?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

   "I'll come when the family matters are settled."

   "It's okay, I think your complexion is not very good."


  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Yuanyuan's worry did not ease, on the contrary, she became even more worried, because she had never seen Lu Xiaoxiao look so distracted since she knew Lu Xiaoxiao.

  But she didn't plan to continue asking, since Lu Xiaoxiao chose not to tell her, there must be a reason.

  So she plans to watch Lu Xiaoxiao more recently, lest Lu Xiaoxiao do something stupid at that time, and she has no time to stop it.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, come in." Li Qianjin said when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao when he walked into the office.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Li Qianjin's words, and then followed Li Qianjin to the director's office.

  (end of this chapter)

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