Chapter 3061 Reconciliation as before

  Wu Meimei trembled involuntarily when he heard Zhang Xu's words, and then he ran towards the place where he lived at the fastest speed in his life.

  Chen Dong asked Zhang Xu after Wu Meimei left: "Boss, what are you doing?"

   "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

   "Oh, what do you want to eat, I'll pack it for you."

   "No, you are busy with your work."

   "Okay, then I'm going to eat."


   Half an hour later, Wu Meimei stood in front of Zhang Xu with messy hair. While arranging his hair, he said to Zhang Xu, "Boss, I'm back at the specified time."

   "Get your hair done, I'll take you to a place."

   "Where to?"

   "You'll know when the time comes."

   A few minutes later, Wu Meimei finished tidying his hair, and he said to Zhang Xu: "Boss, my hair has been tidied, and I can go."

  After hearing Wu Meimei's words, Zhang Xu looked at Wu Meimei's hair. Seeing that it was similar to last night's hairstyle, he took Wu Meimei out of the office and walked towards the purchasing department.

  When he entered the purchasing department, he saw the little girl sitting with a book reading, so he walked up to the little girl and asked, "Why don't you go to lunch?"

  After hearing Zhang Xu's voice, Lu Xiaoxiao's body froze instinctively, but she quickly recovered, and then replied: "I'm not hungry."

  But she realized that she didn't leave the book for a moment.

Seeing the little girl's reaction, Zhang Xu was both happy and distressed, and a little shy. In the end, he sighed softly, pulled Wu Meimei who was standing beside him to him, and said to the little girl, "Look at the little girl." Who is this?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao looked up after hearing Zhang Xu's words. When she saw the clothes of the person in front of her, she thought of the body and mind she saw last night, and her heart ached even more.

  But she didn't show it at all, but her face became paler.

   "Speak." Seeing the little girl's face, Zhang Xu kicked Wu Meimei anxiously, and then said.

   "Boss, what do you want me to say?"

   "Are you a man?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked in disbelief when she heard Wu Meimei's voice.

   "I was originally a man."

   "Then why are you wearing women's clothing?"

"Work required."

  Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Zhang Xu said to Wu Meimei, "You can go."

   "Boss, you are killing a donkey."

   "Oh, you really think so?"

   "No, I didn't say anything just now, I'm leaving now." After Wu Meimei finished speaking, she quickly ran out of the office, fearing that Zhang Xu would send it to that place for refurbishment later.

  After Wu Meimei left, Zhang Xu reached out and rubbed the little girl's hair, and then said to the little girl, "Why didn't you ask me?"

   "Ask you what?"

   "Wu Meimei."

   "Why should I ask?"

   "Because you are my sister, you have the right to control everything about me."

   "Including you marrying a wife and having children?"

   "Of course, but you won't have a sister-in-law."


   "There is no reason, you just need to remember this sentence, you can go to dinner with me now."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then got up to have breakfast with Zhang Xu.

   "Xiaoxiao, where are you going?" Zhang Yuanyuan came back from dinner and asked when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao and a handsome man coming out of the office.

  (end of this chapter)

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