Chapter 3069 Sensation

   "Master, can I go back?" Tree of Life asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what the tree of life said, Lu Xiaoxiao thought about whether she still had any questions to ask the tree of life. She thought for a while and saw that there was no question to ask the tree of life, so she let the tree of life go back into the space.

   Zhang Xu said to the little girl after the little girl put away the tree of life: "It's getting late, you should go upstairs to sleep, or you won't be able to get up tomorrow."

   "Okay, you go to bed early too." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao got up and walked upstairs.

  After the little girl went upstairs, Zhang Xu continued to study the two jade pendants in his hand, because he had seen some clues from the two jade pendants just now, so he wanted to take advantage of the victory to break the formation depicted on the jade pendants.

  The next morning at seven o'clock in the morning, when Lu Xiaoxiao went downstairs, she saw Zhang Xu sleeping on the sofa with nothing covering her body, and she suddenly had the urge to hit someone.

  So she walked directly to the sofa and yelled at Zhang Xu who was sleeping on the sofa: "Go upstairs if you want to sleep, otherwise what if you catch a cold."

   Zhang Xu heard the little girl's roar and reflexively wanted to stand up straight, but he forgot that he was lying on the sofa at the moment, so he couldn't control himself and fell off the sofa directly.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu who was still in a daze, she didn't want to pay any attention to him, so she went to the kitchen to get food.

   Zhang Xu's consciousness gradually recovered after the little girl left, and then he remembered that he hadn't cooked breakfast for the little girl, so he immediately got up from the ground and walked towards the kitchen.

  But when he first came to the kitchen, he saw the little girl walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot beef. The smell of the beef made him, who had been up all night, swallow unconsciously.

   "Want to eat?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after putting the beef noodles on the table.


   "It's a pity that I don't have your share, because there is only one bowl, so you can handle your own breakfast." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she ignored Zhang Xu, and picked up chopsticks to eat noodles.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast. She took the bowl to the kitchen to wash it up, and went to work with her bag on her back.

   Zhang Xu looked at the back of the little girl leaving and sighed helplessly, then went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are here, I have some good news to tell you." Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

   "What good news?"

   "The factory decided to build three family buildings this year. Maybe we can really get a single room."

   "The news has been announced?"

   "Yes, it's posted on the bulletin board."

   "It seems that the factory is going to be lively."

   "Yes, not only will it be lively, but there will also be many people who get married."

   "Why do so many people get married?"

  “Because it is easier to get a house when you are married, as soon as the house is assigned every year, the number of married people will increase.

  There are three more family buildings this time, so one can imagine how many people will get married this time. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao was a little speechless after listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words. She didn't think that dividing the house could lead to marriage, but this seems to be a way to get the house.

   After all, there is a shortage of houses now, and it is simply impossible for you to get a house for one person.

  So getting married and sharing rooms is also a good choice.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you think I should also find a partner?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Don't be impulsive." Lu Xiaoxiao immediately said to Zhang Yuanyuan after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words.

  (end of this chapter)

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