Chapter 3074 Shameless

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Xu Qiu's words, then took out 700 yuan from her bag and handed it to Xu Qiu.

  Xu Qiu took the money that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him and counted it. Seeing that the amount was correct, it was exactly 700 yuan, so he gave the money to the person in charge of the money.

   Then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "The factory plans to build three buildings, and each building has only two four-bedroom houses, and they are all on the third floor. Look at the house you want to order in that building."

   "Which building did Zhang Yuanyuan decide on?"

   "The one in the middle."

   "Then I'll settle for the house in the middle that faces south."

   "Okay, I'll register for you right now." After Xu Qiu finished speaking, he began to help Lu Xiaoxiao register and issue receipts.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the finance department with the receipt. Seeing Zhang Yuanyuan waiting for her not far away, she walked towards Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you booked a house?"


   "Which floor is it on?"

   "The third floor, the same house as you."

   "It's great, we can go to and from get off work together in the future."


   "Let's go, let's go back to the office. There should be more and more people in the finance department in a while, because there are more than a dozen people who have booked a house today, and there will definitely be many people who will come to inquire about the news later."


  At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to get up to drink water, but just as she stood up, she saw a middle-aged woman approaching her aggressively.

  At first, she thought that the middle-aged woman was here to find her, but when she was about to ask who she was, she saw the middle-aged woman go directly to Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "Sister-in-law, what are you doing here during working hours?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Yu Dahong who was standing in front of her.

   "Yuanyuan, have you booked a house?"

   "Yeah, what's the matter, is there a problem?"

   "Of course there is a problem. Our whole family has not booked a house. Why do you book a house?"

"Sister-in-law is right. We haven't separated yet, and the money from the public house is the one you pay the least. Why do you use the money from the public house to fix the house?" Guan Hongxiu heard Yu Yu's words as soon as she entered the office of the purchasing department. Da Hong quickly echoed her words.

  Although she and Yu Dahong do not deal with each other on weekdays, but now they have a common goal, there is nothing wrong with temporarily cooperating.

  Zhang Yuanyuan was furious when she heard Yu Dahong and Guan Hongxiu's words. She really didn't know where the two heard that she bought the house with the money from her father-in-law.

  So she stood up and asked Yu Dahong and Guan Hongxiu, "Who did you two say that I bought the house with the money from the public?"

   "Do you need to listen to anyone else? If you didn't use the money from the public office, how could you get so much money to buy such a big house?"

   "Sister-in-law, I don't need to tell you where I got the money to buy the house, but I definitely didn't use the money from the company. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask your parents."

   "Hmph, your parents love you so much, even if they give you money, they won't say anything."

"It's not wrong for my parents to love me, but my parents have recorded every sum of money you handed over to the public in the book, and parents have also recorded the money used. If you don't believe what I said, you can go home and let your parents Mom will show you the bookkeeping book.

   There is one more thing I want to explain. Although I am the one who pays the least in my family, don’t forget that I have not married yet, and I just eat at home alone.

  If it really counts, I will still be the one who suffers. I will trouble my sister-in-law to think about it before speaking. "

  (end of this chapter)

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