Chapter 3078 Move out

   "What do you hate? I'm her father. What's wrong with her? Does she really dare to sever ties with me?"

   "Keep your voice down, it won't be good if Yuanyuan hears you."

  After hearing Wang Xiaoya's words, Zhang Tietou looked towards Zhang Yuanyuan's room. Seeing that there was no movement, he picked up the dry cigarette and started smoking.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, she didn't see Zhang Xu in the living room, nor in the kitchen. She wandered around and finally saw the note Zhang Xu left for her on the coffee table.

   It turned out that Zhang Xu had to go on an urgent mission, so he returned to Beijing ahead of schedule, and asked her to find Gray Cat, because Gray Cat would not participate in this mission.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao received the note in the space, she went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the office the next morning, she was shocked to see Zhang Yuanyuan looking at her with two big dark circles under her eyes.

  So she asked Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you, you must have been a thief last night."

   "No, I just didn't sleep well, just take a nap at noon."

   "Did something happen?"

   "You guessed it right. My family members are starting to think about my house. Even my parents think that the house I ordered belongs to my family. I guess I won't be able to sleep well for a long time."

   "Have you thought about moving out?"

   "Yes, but unfortunately I don't know where to live. It's not easy to rent a house now."

  After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and then thought of a place suitable for Zhang Yuanyuan to live in.

  So she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, there is a place in the factory where you can live, but there are a lot of people living there, if you don't mind, you can move to the factory."

   "You mean the collective dormitory?"


   "I don't mind, but the dormitory is not something I can live in if I want to."

   "I know, you just need to tell me whether you want to live in the dormitory, if you want to, I will handle other things."


   "Okay, you go back today and prepare, and you can move to the dormitory tomorrow."


  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao got off work and was going to find Chen Dong, but she was stopped by Li Jinjin before she walked out of the office.

  So she turned to Li Jinjin and asked, "Director Li, what can you do for me?"

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, the food factory is going to purchase a batch of live pigs recently, but the quantity is not large, only about 20 pigs. I want to entrust this task to you. I wonder if you have any questions."

"no problem."

   "Okay, tomorrow you will set off to purchase live pigs. As for the relevant procedures, you can directly contact Deputy Director Yang."


  After Li Qianjin left, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Yuanyuan who was standing beside her: "Yuanyuan, I can't help you move tomorrow."

   "It's okay, I can do it by myself, but what is the factory buying live pigs for at this time? It's not the New Year and it's not a festival."

   "I don't know about this. It's just a task assigned by the superior. We just need to complete it. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with us."

"makes sense."

   "Let's go, let's eat."


After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the office and began to plan business trips. According to several correspondences between her and Yang Taotao, the live pigs in Guangrong Village were almost sold out. I don't know if she can go to Guangrong Village this time. After buying live pigs, it seems that she has to prepare with both hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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